Losing address of the NAS drive in iTUNES


New member
Jun 12, 2010
A problem I've had, and a solution I found (see link), which I thought might be useful for others:


I have iTUNES running on a dedicated Macbook Pro, music files are stores on a 2 TB hardisk connected via ethernet. Although the NAS disk is set as the address for the music library, iTUNES often loses the link and it goes back to a default address that is "music" on the Powerbook hard disk.


iTunes unneccessarily defaults to the media location /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media on the local HD. I don't know of any setting to change that behauvier. If your media is permanently located on a NAS, you could try to replace the default media folder by an alias of your media folder located on the NAS.
1) delete the folder /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media.
2) create an alias "iTunes Media" for your media folder located on the NAS.
3) move that alias to /home/some_user/music/iTunes.
Now when iTunes re-defaults to /home/some_user/music/iTunes/iTunes Media, it will default to your media folder on the NAS


In my experience you need to make sure that the NAS location is always mounted and accesible through Finder before firing up iTunes. If not, iTunes will not find your media and returns to its default location, so you will still need to ensure the NAS folder is mounted.