brittondave:maxflinn:i'd imagine it must be pretty frustrating getting no replys to emails, while seeing on here that eb ricky has the time to post on the forums
yeah . October 20th
November 18th
December 12th
He is so prolific.! ! Ok so it's difficult to contact them by email. get on the phone if your not satisfied. but seriously max those sort of posting stats seem to me like someone whose very busy. not someone whose dossing around posting 1000 posts a day.
So they are considering a new product! so what. 3 of their products have got 5 stars from this magazine, which is no mean feat. I am sure they have been snowed under since these reviews were published. and knowing what I know about them they are doing their uppermost to compete all the orders as fast as possible whilst trying to maintain the highest of standards on all their products.
May be if you have to criticize it might be better to be constructive rather than jumping on the not critisizing anyone, several people have said that they have had no replys to emails, even though they have been waiting longer than they were told they would be, and i think that would be pretty frustrating, and possibly counterproductive in the long term, don't you?
good luck to eb ricky, he's obviously making some great products and given their popularity i'm sure he's a very busy person, but i still think he should make the time, or get somebody else to make the time to reply to customers emails..
again, This point was already made on page two of this thread.