A quote from someone who had tried many cd players, it's only a personal opinion from someone but stil worth to explore if others would agree on this that could here some of the players mentioned...
Copy and paste...
"Received the TL51XR and have been running it in the past few days. No question it is the best player I've had in my system to date. Since I got it used it appears to be pretty much burned in.
I've had the Rega Apollo, ESound E5 (European and Signature editions), Onix CD-2, modded Original CD-A8T and Consonance CD 120 Linear in my setup so far over the past eight months. The C.E.C player has the best musical presentation of them all so far as I can actually fool myself into thinking I'm not listening to a CD with this model. Bass is very deep, tuneful and much more authoritative than on the Apollo (my pet peeve with this player), and the high frequencies are natural where many players go for that extra sparkle, which sounds artificial. The Consonance CD120 Linear, which I am keeping in my 2nd system, is a great player for the money and better than the Apollo IMHO, but the TL51XR just reveals textures and depth in the music that the others cannot seem to bring to the surface. Many players can throw a wide soundstage, but the depth of the soundstage with this player is spooky.
Although the TL51XR sounds very good through an unbalanced connection, it must be heard over its' balanced outputs to fully appreciate its' capabilities. I'm running it through a PS Audio GCC-100 control amp to Quad 21L speakers. Cables are also from PS Audio.
There are certainly better and more expensive players out there, but at the prices they command I feel this player is a terrific value for its' price. The look, build and performance it delivers certainly qualifies it as a high end source component.
Long story short, I think it's really good. 😀"