List of UK Manufacturers Still Manufacturing Solely in the UK?


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Post em up please.

Need a shortlist for purchases in the new year. Don't want to buy "British" only to find out I'm actually buying Chinese.
Benedict_Arnold said:
Post em up please.

Need a shortlist for purchases in the new year. Don't want to buy "British" only to find out I'm actually buying Chinese.

Could be tricky that as some manufacturers build their cheaper ranges abroad and their more expensive offerings in the UK

It also depends on what you mean by manufacturing. Some merely assemble parts made abroad into their boxes.

Anyway, what's so good about British kit? ;-)
It will be difficult to say for certain as anything manufactured in Britain may contain some parts made in other countries just as a car manufactured in Sunderland (Nissan) or Swindon (Honda) will almost certainly contain components from other EU countries and elsewhere.

Also companies like Naim and Spendor are overseas-owned, as are SME now. If you are looking for British speakers there's a conundrum, because most use drivers that are sourced overseas, and, if they're active with digital amps, they also will have been sourced overseas.

I'd buy whatever tickles your fancy.
nopiano said:
I think Linn, Naim and Rega make their hifi over here. The all in one Naim wireless thingies are made in PRC or similar. Oh, and of course my Michell is British!

Naim is all British except Muso. The new Uniti range remains British made. Linn is interesting, almost altruistic. Although their products seem insanely priced, their profit margins are apparently relatively low. One only hopes their future remains secure.

You missed Cyrus.
Im not so naive as to expect all the components to be hand made in the UK. Those days are long gone.

I don't mind if the transistors, for example, are made by Chinese robots, so long as they're soldered to circuit board in the UK. That's my benchmark.
I believe Harbeth, Sonneteer, LFD are produced in Britain. Furthermore there are lots of smaller companies, some cheap, some expensive. Are you only looking for major names?
Yes, Harbeth of course. And the oft-discussed AVI is I believe built in Gloucestershire (with Indian drivers?), not far from ATC.

Hadnt appreciated that Cyrus was made here. Had assumed they were from afar.

How about Exposure and Musical Fidelity? They were once British. And Spendor?
part Indian owned, but still made in the UK. They also own the company that makes the cabinets for quite a few UK speaker companies. AVI use Spendor for their cabinets, buy drivers from Indonesia and, I assume, buy in amps for their smaller speakers. Musical Fidelity are made either in China or Taiwan, they haven't manufactured in the UK for years. Exposure are owned by a Malaysian company, but I don't know where they're made. Quad are part of IAG, as are Wharfedale, Mission and Castle Acoustics which are all made in China. Exposure are Malaysian owned, but don't know where they are made. Most Arcam stuff is made in China, as it the case for Creek and Epos.

Cyrus are firmly British. Naim are French owned but the factory remains in Salisbury. Their Nait series uses circuit boards from China, but still assembled in Salisbury.
Electro said:
PMC speakers are all made in the UK .

Yes they are pure UK now, but only for the last six months or so. Before that they actually manufactured their cabinets in Italy, and before that it may have been Timberworx in Sheffield who were bought out by Spendor a couple of years ago.
Benedict_Arnold said:
Post em up please.

Need a shortlist for purchases in the new year. Don't want to buy "British" only to find out I'm actually buying Chinese.

Perhaps this webpage may help.

Sorry, cannot make it a link. Add also Talk Electronics, MBA and Tellurium Q
There are a number of definitions of where something is made - the two most common are the 'substantial transformation test' and the 'value added percentage test'.

In both cases, manufacturers in the UK who take components sourced abroad and stick them together in a box in the UK can call it 'made in the UK'.

Personally, I am not sure these definitions work for me. They date back many years and are the basis of world trade and tariff agreements.

There is very little component manuacture left in the UK. If a bunch of guys in Salisbury design a music streamer and the bits are soldered together in the UK - is it made in the UK? What about the hundreds of man years in California that went into designing the DSP and WiFi chips that they used, or the fab plants in Shenzhen producing the nanometer accurate semiconductors with hundreds of millions of transistors on each chip that are at the heart of the streamer?

My own definition of where something is made is where the majority of the IP - the 'intellectual property' or smarts gets added. On that basis, I am not sure that we really make anything in HiFi in the UK anymore.

Speakers are of course a different thing, and arguably more akin to sideboard manufacture. I think you can reasonably say there are some UK based loudspeaker manufacturers.


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