It is true that we tend to relate to the music that was available when we were growing up, so for me that was 70's-80's. Looking back, I agree there was a lot of rubbish in the 80's, and its this that no one will agree on so there's no point in trying to get one up on each other. Personally, I can understand someone slagging Level 42 if all they heard was from Running In The Family onwards - I think most fans will agree it is their earlier stuff that is superior.
Either way, Level 42 wrote and performed their own stuff, and are still playing live gigs. They are a group of musicians, just like many other groups. I could quite easily state that U2 are a big pile of poo (which is actually my opinion) and are extremely overrated - some will disagree, some will agree. I also think David Bowie and the Rolling Stones are overrated - I'm not going to slag them off because they've been around a long time and are well respected, and they're still performing to huge sell out crowds. But for me they don't seem to have ever produced high quality material representative of their standing within the industry. We like what we like, whether other people feel they're "appalling" or not.
Level 42 are entertaining, host great live gigs, and are made up of decent musicians - one of which (Mark) can play a large number of different instruments. How many musicians can say that? And how many of them have a career that is now in its 4th decade? In fact, come to think about it, there's a very large number of 80's artists who are still around making music - because its what they enjoy, rather than it being a highly paid career. Similarly, how many artists from the past 20 years are still going, whoether successful or not, or just for the love of it? Nowadays, people make music for money, and once they've got some, they're no longer interested.
Similarly, there are people out there who slag off films like Donnie Darko, Fight Club, The Dark Knight etc etc.
Anyway, how about getting back on topic? This is a thread about how good Level 42 are/were. Maybe a new thread could be started about how crap the 80's were, for those that feel that way.