Leema Pulse and PMC DB1i

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gregvet said:

Cno, have you ever heard the DB1is? Reason for asking is because you've said many times the Spendor SA-1 are one of your fav small standmounters. IMO, having heard both, the PMCs are pound-for-pound better than the Spendors. Your opinion appreciated.

i own both plus the LS50's PP (my other half says I have a problem, but I don't know what he is talking about lol). The DB1is are great and have a lot more bass than the spendors, but there is just something almost magical about the spendors delivery, especially with voices, that makes me prefer the spendors.

The LS50's are better again tho IMO.


Spendors are wonderful little speakers in some respects, especially the detail. But they have a dark presentation which I couldn't live with, and have the bass depth of a transistor radio IMO. Sure the LS50s are technically better than the PMCs, but we all know it's about synergy, and with the Leema and Naim amplification they sound 'right'.

Also the SA-1 are hidiously over priced. About 3 years ago Audio-T tried to sell me a pair, including their dedicated stands quoted me £1800. Not great VFM.
domenn said:
I really want to buy this amp , to upgrade my BrioR but there is nothing on the internet sadly , maybe somebody knows some shop where it is still available ?

Which area do you live?

I've not heard the Brio-R or the RS5 so can't advise on the comparisons and/or synergy between the Leema and Rega.
So i have now sold the Pulse and DB1i's had them nearly 2 years and got £30 more minus selling costs for them than i paid, now thats good HiFi value. I wont achieve that with my latest setup.
How would you compare your Abrahamsen amp with the pulse? I've been sorely tempted by the standard V20 but I cant ignore the prices you can pick up a 2nd hand Leema Pulse for!
Morning the V2.0 is better. More musical, controlled in the base. I upgrade my Pulse to a Sugden A21SE then Audio Analoue very little improvement the Sugden had more space and better mids, the AA was just plain dull. The Abrahamsen on the other hand imediate noticeable differance the music was more livly and dynamic. Having said that the Pulse is superb especially at £450 which you should be able to pick one up for and probally sell it in a year for the same. If you went for a V2.0 when you want to upgrade to an amazing amp you can apply the upgrade to the v2.0 to take it an UP for around £300 the differance is superb. I put my little IPL M4M on for the first time same size as PMC DB1i's and wow i was shocked, more of that latter.
iQ Speakers said:
Morning the V2.0 is better. More musical, controlled in the base. I upgrade my Pulse to a Sugden A21SE then Audio Analoue very little improvement the Sugden had more space and better mids, the AA was just plain dull. The Abrahamsen on the other hand imediate noticeable differance the music was more livly and dynamic. Having said that the Pulse is superb especially at £450 which you should be able to pick one up for and probally sell it in a year for the same. If you went for a V2.0 when you want to upgrade to an amazing amp you can apply the upgrade to the v2.0 to take it an UP for around £300 the differance is superb. I put my little IPL M4M on for the first time same size as PMC DB1i's and wow i was shocked, more of that latter.

Leema Pulse + PMC TB2i = Full of meaty goodness.


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