Hey guys, I bought these a month ago and have been experimenting with them a bit. I auditioned them and actually did not get to the second speaker and just made a straight decision. I had to have that sound at home straight away! 🙂
I came to the shop a week later to hear them against what they had available, the R700. I did an A/B comparison with many songs, the setup was an all Cambridge audio SACD player and amp and some media streamer.
My home setup is completely different, I watch films first and listen to music second so I have a Denon AVR-2113 and a Denon DBT-1713UD and a have some quite cheap and cheerful Yamahas as the center (NS 444) and rears (NS 333).
So, on the Cambridge setup, the main difference to my ears was the "size" of the sound, the R700s simply produce a huge wall of sound, the number of drivers, the size of the cabinet, the volume of the lows are just tad more captivating.
However when I switched to LS50s, the mids and highs gained clarity and "truthfullness" to die for! Not sure which word to use but the music seemed more musical to me.
Back at my place, which is an ordinairy 5x5 sitting room, I find the speakers sound best when placed exactly at ear lever and 0.5m from the wall. Since I used the yamahas before and only for movies (I hated them for any kind of music), I had them placed on the cupboard first. That was a huge mistake, these speakers deserve a lot of space and some good stands! So I ordered new stands and they sound now exactly the way I remembered them at the audition. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised how my AV receiver handles them. I expected worse. They sound just as exciting and open and truthful as they did in the shop. However, to my ears, not so much at low volume. They become really exciting and engaging just above the 12" o'clock dial (display says 60).
I also tried placing them in the center speaker position, which in my setup is below the TV, inside the cupboard, way below the ear level and they sound dull, distant and muffled that way. The tweeter really has to be at the ear lever to sound at its best.
One day I will get rid of my home cinema and use them with a proper amp to fully use their potential. One day. 🙂