They arrived this afternoon and the first surprise is how heavy the things are. They are replacing a tired old pair of B&W DM303's and they feel like they're made of cardboard in comparison.
So, KEF's on stands and music on, I'm 'flicking' through my collection, all ripped to FLAC on a NAS trying out all the genre's I can think of and the first two things that hit you are clarity, I did think that would be a given, the surprising thing was the bass weight. I didn't expect that from those little drivers. There's real weight and it's tight and tuneful.
Voices are very special through these little speakers but it's the way everything hangs together that makes them special.
I had read these were more suited to jazz and classical, well AC/DC hasn't sounded this good in my house since, ever!
They've handled everything I've thrown at them with ease on the end of a Unitiqute 2 and NAP 100.