avole said:
and have cable overkill. That was to Davedotco, by the way. Also, the Yamaha is hardly at the same sonic level as the Kef, and isn't intended to be.
Your argument is also specious. Speakers normally offer the same features, as in one or two inputs plus a crossover, but, as they do, are they the same?
The NX-N500 are, as I pointed out a budget setup, I have no idea how they compare in performance terms to the KEFs and given the price difference I doubt it is relevant.
The functionality appears to be a match for the KEFs, possibly even superior, but we need more information to see what the KEFs are capable of.
The 'cable overload' comment is absurd, two interconnecting cables instead of one is hardly 'overload' and more than compensated by the likelyhood of having more inbuilt capability, but in that respect we shall see.
Oh, in what way are the NS-N500 'not active'?