I must say I find nearly every Bond movie an excruciating endurance test. Now, before you all start clamouring to drag me to the alter to be slaughtered, I want to make it known that I'm a great lover of crime action thrillers. In my opinion the only worthwhile screen presence featuring Roger Moore was THE MAN WHO HAUNTED HIMSELF... oh, and SPITTING IMAGE. The man has more dead wood than a lumberjack's yard. At least Connery brought some machismo to his Bond parts.
Another thing that probably won't go down well with you Bondphiles is ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE - I think it's the only Bond film that qualifies as a half-decent one. Here we had a more layered and emotional Bond in George Lazenby and at last, Bond fell in love (even though Diana Rigg reportedly gorged herself with garlic prior to love scenes as an open display of her real-life hatred towards Lazenby).
Speaking as someone who owns an obscene number of films, I'm very proud there's not a single Bond film sullying my overcrowded shelves. True Bond fans are a bit like Trekkies; obsessive talking encyclopaedias waiting for an opportunity to pounce and regale you with one of their innumerable unintelligibly obscure anecdotes. Don't diss 'em. Treat 'em kindly and if you laugh, make sure you do it behind their back otherwise it'll only end in tears. So in closing, I hope the Bondites won't launch their attacks at me too fiercely, after all, I've refrained from launching into a proper tirade over my true feelings for Bond