Isolda DCT


New member
Jul 28, 2007
Guys, if anyone seen the Townshend Audio Isolda speakers cables, terminated pair for sale at bargain price please let me know (about 2 x 2 metre).

Elvis has good taste...........beautiful, practical cable 😉 Even the older non DCT version has a nice sound........eyes are peeled my friend
[quote user="Thaiman"]
Guys, if anyone seen the Townshend Audio Isolda speakers cables, terminated pair for sale at bargain price please let me know (about 2 x 2 metre).



Hay Thaiman! good to see that you are going to give it a try. I will keep an eye out for a pair. You are more likely to see a pair 2.5m to 3.0m.

I have finially moved . I am not sure if I'm in Suffolk or Essex.
[quote user="Anton90125"]
I have finially moved . I am not sure if I'm in Suffolk or Essex.


...may be you should ask postman in the morning!

Thx mate, I will give them a try as I am very much interest in the Impedance Matching thing, wanna see are they really work!
[quote user="Thaiman"]
[quote user="Anton90125"]

I have finially moved . I am not sure if I'm in Suffolk or Essex.


...may be you should ask postman in the morning!

Thx mate, I will give them a try as I am very much interest in the Impedance Matching thing, wanna see are they really work!


I am not sure if the Impedance Matching thing is actually valid at audio frequencies. However I think that the design that tries to get an ultra low inductance coupled with RF filter/capacitance reducing network does have a major say in the cables celebrated sonic performance.

The cable is quite fragile being like a ribbon so you have to watch for any kinks.
Hay mate, take a look at

Oh yeah

Can I pull rank here guys (as I am one of the oldest member here
) let I have them
Too bad the seller's reluctant to send to Oompa Doompa land- they're all yours Thaiman!And when you get them, let us know how they compare. Should be an interesting thread.
Just sold my Isolda (a 2m and a 4m length) fanstastic cable, I've been looking for something better for about 4 years but I have only just done so...
I have replaced it with M.I.T. AVT1 which is a similar price to Isolda new but a lot better IMO. The thing with Isolda is the fact you only have to get the lengths you need which saves money (i.e. I only had to buy a 2m length for one speaker and 4m for the other, £100 saved!)...
[quote user="fr0g"]Here's hoping you report back utterly zero difference...:O)[/quote]

Well I can report back the difference is utterly NOT zero...
I demoed Isolda DCT v Nordost Blue Heaven in my system and didn't notice ANY difference between the two.
[quote user="Anton90125"][quote user="fr0g"]Here's hoping you report back utterly zero difference...:O)[/quote]

Well I can report back the difference is utterly NOT zero...

Not on your bank balance anyway.
[quote user="Wild Willy"]I demoed Isolda DCT v Nordost Blue Heaven in my system and didn't notice ANY difference between the two.[/quote]

Here we go again...yes, but Elvis has a slightly better components (put lightly).
[quote user="Hughes123"][quote user="Wild Willy"]I demoed Isolda DCT v Nordost Blue Heaven in my system and didn't notice ANY difference between the two.[/quote]

Here we go again...yes, but Elvis has a slightly better components (put lightly).[/quote]

He he, I've never even listed my components. I spring up now and again to discuss NAD products because I grew up with them and actually have them in my second system to this day. Do you honestly think I'd use 400 quid's worth of speaker cable in a budget system? Oh and what's with the "here we go again" quip? Because I poo-pooed the use of jumper cables once?
[quote user="gpi"][quote user="Anton90125"][quote user="fr0g"]Here's hoping you report back utterly zero difference...:O)[/quote]

Well I can report back the difference is utterly NOT zero...

Not on your bank balance anyway.

That true of hifi in general,how you rate the dent in your balance will be a function of how much you value the fidelity of your sound system.Incidentally, I got my cable SH on Ebay. If I was to sell it again I doubt that I would make a loss.
[quote user="Anton90125"][quote user="gpi"][quote user="Anton90125"][quote user="fr0g"]Here's hoping you report back utterly zero difference...:O)[/quote]

Well I can report back the difference is utterly NOT zero...

Not on your bank balance anyway.

That true of hifi in general,how you rate the dent in your balance will be a function of how much you value the fidelity of your sound system. Incidentally, I got my cable SH on Ebay. If I was to sell it again I doubt that I would make a loss.

Sorry, I don't agree. I bought a pair of JPW Sonata's for £15.00, which are marvelous little sealed box bookshelf speakers. I have bought many more hi-fi bargains too over the years.
[quote user="Wild Willy"]I demoed Isolda DCT v Nordost Blue Heaven in my system and didn't notice ANY difference between the two.[/quote]

Thats interesting. I have never heard Nordost Blue Heaven cable.They are of similar price, I might try to get a SH length to test.
[quote user="gpi"]Sorry, I don't agree. I bought a pair of JPW Sonata's for £15.00, which are marvelous little sealed box bookshelf speakers. I have bought many more hi-fi bargains too over the years.[/quote]

Nothing to be sorry about, its your opinion. Its just from my experience there is a correlation between cost and performance (albeit a non linear one). There are people who would spend huge amounts of money (big dents in their bank balance) to get that extra bit of sonic resolution while others (like yourself) are satisfied with less.

Now while it is possible to get real bargins like your speakers, it not something that happens everyday. If you want a high performance system and not prepared to wait for bargins , you have to pay for it.

The subject of what constitutes a bargin is also highly subject. Most people would consider your speaker example as a bargin. How many people would consider a £2000 highly rated piece of equipment on sale SH for £1000 a bargin, or a £5000 piece of equipment for £2500? Only those people who want/value that bit extra. On that basis- I stand by my origin statement/opinion.
[quote user="Anton90125"][quote user="gpi"]Sorry, I don't agree. I bought a pair of JPW Sonata's for £15.00, which are marvelous little sealed box bookshelf speakers. I have bought many more hi-fi bargains too over the years.[/quote]

Nothing to be sorry about, its your opinion. Its just from my experience there is a correlation between cost and performance (albeit a non linear one). There are people who would spend huge amounts of money (big dents in their bank balance) to get that extra bit of sonic resolution while others (like yourself) are satisfied with less.

Now while it is possible to get real bargins like your speakers, it not something that happens everyday. If you want a high performance system and not prepared to wait for bargins , you have to pay for it.

The subject of what constitutes a bargin is also highly subject. Most people would consider your speaker example as a bargin. How many people would consider a £2000 highly rated piece of equipment on sale SH for £1000 a bargin, or a £5000 piece of equipment for £2500? Only those people who want/value that bit extra. On that basis- I stand by my origin statement/opinion.

Thanks for your explanation of what a bargain is, I'd forgotten. You have misunderstood what I didn't agree with but never mind now, life is too short.
[quote user="gpi"]Thanks for your explanation of what a bargain is, I'd forgotten. You have misunderstood what I didn't agree with but never mind now, life is too short.[/quote]

No Thank you, I must be better then I thought since I didn't intend to define what a bargain was- in fact I still cant find where I am explaining what a bargain is.

All I was actually politely trying to say is I didn't get the relevance of your bargain with regards to people spending lots of money (and creating big dents in their bank balance) on high performance hifi to get that little bit extra.

Those very same people generally feel the bank balance dents as being justifiable because of the enjoyment they get from their system.

[quote user="gpi"]Not on your bank balance anyway. Wink [/quote]

From this (with regard to a positive Isolda performance) I interpreted that you feel the performance (have you actually heard the difference it makes?) dosn't justify the cost (thinly hidden in a wink).

[quote user="Anton90125"]That true of hifi in general,how you rate the dent in your balance will be a function of how much you value the fidelity of your sound system. Incidentally, I got my cable SH on Ebay. If I was to sell it again I doubt that I would make a loss.[/quote]

This simply made the obvious statement that cost for performance is a personal thing and this hifi lark is a costly thing ( the occasional subjective bargain notwithstanding). People who enjoy hifi except this more then people who don't. If we didn't we'd all be buying music centres and there whould be no hifi industry. The nature of the beast.

I may be wrong but from various other postings you have made in different treads, it would seem that you are not subscriber to cable performance being a variable. In that context your comment " Not on your bank balance anyway" then becomes a thinly veiled attack on the actual performance of Isolda cable (again have you tested it?) and those who DO subscribe to cable performance being an integral of hifi.

Despite how long we have to live,I would welcome you explaining where/what I have misunderstood. Who knows I might owe you an apology
'Diminishing returns' is a phenomenon that exists in all goods... Value is in the eye of the beholder, one man's bargain is another man's month's salary. You pays your money and you takes your choice, if someone wants to spend a fortune on hifi then fair enough. If someone is happy with a budget system then fair enough.
Far too early in the morning for this kinna debate! but.....

I could hear some different when changing cables with certain hifi equipments.

My old krell + Sonus faber seem to sound the same no matter what wires were used.

"Gamut + Roksan FR5", "Naim + Totem" seem to be more sensitive to cables change and most importantly, for me anyway, my current set (
) even more so!

All in all I reckon it's all depend on what you are using!
Hi Mr T, I don't know if your testing the cable on your Snait, but I thought that Naim recommends speaker should be at least 3.5 mts long,

Just a thought.
[quote user="bluetorric"]Naim recommends speaker should be at least 3.5 mts long,[/quote]

my naim's cable are 5 metre long

Totem arro seem to be sensitive to cables changed so I thought I have a play....will let you know.
[quote user="BigGuads"]'Diminishing returns' is a phenomenon that exists in all goods... Value is in the eye of the beholder, one man's bargain is another man's month's salary. You pays your money and you takes your choice, if someone wants to spend a fortune on hifi then fair enough. If someone is happy with a budget system then fair enough.[/quote]

Spot on!


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