is the denon 2500bt still a better bluray player then the sony bdp-s370?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hi might be able to get hold of a ex display denon 2500bt for £400 it still a lot better picture wise than the sony bp-s370 which is a very good player.
clown:hi might be able to get hold of a ex display denon 2500bt for £400 it still a lot better picture wise than the sony bp-s370 which is a very good player.Wait for the new Denons. You can get a fast loading 2.0 universal player for that money.
clown:hi might be able to get hold of a ex display denon 2500bt for £400 it still a lot better picture wise than the sony bp-s370 which is a very good player.

Yes, it is. I own the BDP-S370 by the way.
Personally i thought the denon was woeful, i would go for the sony
gel:Personally i thought the denon was woeful, i would go for the sony

Hello Gel,

'Woeful' is the strongest term I have ever heard used against the Denon in a negative context. What did you compare it against?

It is a superior player to your Pioneer BDP-LX71 and if the Denon is woeful as you desribed it, why are you still holding on to the LX-71?

I'm just curious, that's all.

Thank you.
Ronald Archiebald:

gel:Personally i thought the denon was woeful, i would go for the sony

Hello Gel,

'Woeful' is the strongest term I have ever heard used against the Denon in a negative context. What did you compare it against?

It is a superior player to your Pioneer BDP-LX71 and if the Denon is woeful as you desribed it, why are you still holding on to the LX-71?

I'm just curious, that's all.

Thank you.

In the world of Gel, it is not possible for anything to be superior to a Pioneer
I have had the 2500BT for 18 months now, and it is faultless for picture and sound, have had absolutely no reason to upgrade... well maybe the new Arcam BDP100.
hammill:In the world of Gel, it is not possible for anything to be superior to a Pioneer

In the world of pete321 I thought the 2500BT was bad value, so bad I sold mine a few months after buying it. Yes it was better than my Sony BDP-S350, but the picture and sound improvements didn't represent the £450 difference in price at the time. The Oppo I replaced it with for the same money produced the same picture with blu-ray (better with DVD), more dynamic sound and played SACD, DVD-A & MKV files.

My Oppo's gone now and I'm considering the Sony BDP-S770 and the Denon DBP-1611.

hammill:In the world of Gel, it is not possible for anything to be superior to a Pioneer

In the world of pete321 I thought the 2500BT was bad value, so bad I sold mine a few months after buying it. Yes it was better than my Sony BDP-S350 at the time, but the picture and sound improvements didn't represent the £450 difference in price at the time. The Oppo I replaced it with for the same money produced the same picture with blu-ray (better with DVD), more dynamic sound and played SACD, DVD-A & MKV files.

My Oppo's gone now and I'm considering the Sony BDP-S770 and the Denon DBP-1611.

Not to mention faster loading
hammill:In the world of Gel, it is not possible for anything to be superior to a Pioneer

In the world of pete321 I thought the 2500BT was bad value, so bad I sold mine a few months after buying it. Yes it was better than my Sony BDP-S350 at the time, but the picture and sound improvements didn't represent the £450 difference in price at the time. The Oppo I replaced it with for the same money produced the same picture with blu-ray (better with DVD), more dynamic sound and played SACD, DVD-A & MKV files.

My Oppo's gone now and I'm considering the Sony BDP-S770 and the Denon DBP-1611.

Hello Pete321,

I agree. For it's original RRP of £900.00, it was very bad value and despite it's excellent picture and sound quality, was certainly not worth that.

However, at the price it is going for these days, it's an absolute bargain!

Thank you.
Ronald Archiebald:However, at the price it is going for these days, it's an absolute bargain!

To be honest I don't think it is at £400 or even £300. I'm probably going to go with the Denon DBP-1611UD which is out any time now for £400, I'm expecting to get it for less than that. Have a look at the spec compared to the 2500BT, the 1611 has a Source Direct mode, so it can be used as transport only. The Sony BDP-S770 will be out in the next month or so and will probably sell for a little over £300. Both I suspect will beat the 2500BT hands down. It's why I decided to sell my Oppo quick while I could still get over £400 for it, there's a new crop of players around the corner with more to offer at a good price.
piobob: Don't know if this has been asked b/4, but isn't it possible to have an update that'll make the 2500 a faster loader?

That's not possible. The Denon 2500BT has a slower processor; it's a hardware limitation which cannot be resolved by a software update.
jase fox:In a word - Yes !! And id pay £400 for it. Ive had this player since it was launched and ive never looked back.

I would also agree, not into BD Live so not bothered about it being 1.1, yes the 2500 may have "slower" load times than the newer models, but I have never found it that slow.

The PQ from this device is superb.
I would wait for the newer Denons to be reviewed before making a purchase. The newer Sony S370 offered superior performance over the excellent S760 which is only a year old (at half the price!). I suspect the newer Denons will be an improvement over the 2500BT.
bigboss:I would wait for the newer Denons to be reviewed before making a purchase. The newer Sony S370 offered superior performance over the excellent S760 which is only a year old (at half the price!). I suspect the newer Denons will be an improvement over the 2500BT.


Incidentally, I just could not believe that the S370 was better than the S760 (with technology from the S5000ES) and so I bought one off E-Bay to test for myself, and I can only confirm what the WHF Review Team said.

The S760 is now back on E-Bay!

michael hoy:
jase fox:In a word - Yes !! And id pay £400 for it. Ive had this player since it was launched and ive never looked back.

I would also agree, not into BD Live so not bothered about it being 1.1, yes the 2500 may have "slower" load times than the newer models, but I have never found it that slow.

The PQ from this device is superb.

I agree with you Michael, im not bothered about the BD live content and yes its a slowish loader but your rewarded with top notch visuals and audio.

And its built like a tank.
jase fox:In a word - Yes !! And id pay £400 for it. Ive had this player since it was launched and ive never looked back.

But if you didn't already own 2500BT, would you buy one now for £400 or wait until August and buy the brand new and up-to-date Denon DBP-1611UD which you'll probably be able to get for around £350? It can be used in source direct mode to make it a transport and I'm sure it's sturdily built. I doubt Denon have gone backwards with their development of blu-ray technology, surely it's a no brainer? Blu-ray technology has become cheaper due to increased demand, so you get more for less from a new player.
jase fox:In a word - Yes !! And id pay £400 for it. Ive had this player since it was launched and ive never looked back.

But if you didn't already own 2500BT, would you buy one now for £400 or wait until August and buy the brand new and up-to-date Denon DBP-1611UD which you'll probably be able to get for around £350? It can be used in source direct mode to make it a transport and I'm sure it's sturdily built. I doubt Denon have gone backwards with their development of blu-ray technology, surely it's a no brainer? Blu-ray technology has become cheaper due to increased demand, so you get more for less from a new player.
I agree with you to an extent Pete, but replacement models are not necessarily always better IMO

Im looking forward to demoing the later models to see just how much they've improved, personally i dont think in terms of PQ and AQ it would of improved that much tbh, i believe it'll be more of a feature count BD live, profile 2, internet connectivity and so on, the only major difference is in the price as £900 is a hell of a lot to pay "now" but then again new technology is always expensive when first launched.

So if the question was would i pay £900 for the 2500BT the answer would be NO ! But i would pay £400 for it. Also the new denon models wont be built like a tank there more slimmer affairs, not that thats i bad thing of course but i do prefer a more sturdier tank build like quality and from the pictures ive seen of the new models build has been compromised.
I agree new things are not always better, especially in a recession
I think given the age of the 2500BT and blu-ray being a relatively new technology, I'd be surprised if the new 1611 won't at least equal the 2500BT in terms of picture & sound quality and probably better it. As well as that, you'll get a lot more to boot, SACD & DVD-A being but a few. In terms of older technology, e.g. DVD, I'd accept that new doesn't always equate to better, but I doubt that there are many blu-ray players which are worse than their predecessors, at the very least you'll get the same picture and audio quality, but more features and more up-to-date compatibility.
jase fox: I agree with you to an extent Pete, but replacement models are not necessarily always better IMO Im looking forward to demoing the later models to see just how much they've improved, personally i dont think in terms of PQ and AQ it would of improved that much tbh, i believe it'll be more of a feature count BD live, profile 2, internet connectivity and so on, the only major difference is in the price as £900 is a hell of a lot to pay "now" but then again new technology is always expensive when first launched. So if the question was would i pay £900 for the 2500BT the answer would be NO ! But i would pay £400 for it. Also the new denon models wont be built like a tank there more slimmer affairs, not that thats i bad thing of course but i do prefer a more sturdier tank build like quality and from the pictures ive seen of the new models build has been compromised.

We have to wait for the review before making assumptions and stereotyping players. Who would have guessed the S370 to beat the S760 in performance? Maybe the newer Denons ARE built like a tank, maybe the PQ & AQ HAS significantly improved. There's no technology out there which can say: "That's it, it can't get any better than that!" And the 2500BT is over 2 years old now......which is a lot of time in the technology world.


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