drummerman:Point is, I find it helpful to see in digits/graphs and expert reviews why something looks/sounds the way it does thats all.
Trouble is fella, as soon as you start introducing those few graphs / digits that your average punter doesn't understand, said punter will flick through the mag in the shop, see the graphs and technical data and, without reading it, probably put it back on the shelf. These guys / gals are just looking to buy a new TV and just want to see a few reviews, not graphs and technical data they don't understand - it's not to say they're dumb in any way, but just they have absolutely no interest in trying to figure out what all this technical information is and, if they see it in the magazine, even if it's not actually related to the main review, they will assume it is and move on.
And I think this is what Andrew means about magazines which do include this information not selling well. You have to remember, the majority of sales are not to enthusiasts like you and I, but to someone who's picking the mag off WH Smiths shelf. And that mag has probably a 5 - 10 second window of opportunity to sell itself to that person. Graphs and technical data = put back on the shelf (for the majority). Many reviews with simple reviewing system = kerrching, take it to the counter!
This is all guesswork on my part, but the sales figures certainly seem to back it up.