Vladimir said:
Great topic anyway. :bounce:
It is, but as always in hi-fi and audio, nothing is ever quite clear cut.
Given my engineering background I find having at least some degree of understanding helps when trying to work out why certain hi-fi components and systems behave the way that they do. My expertese, such as it is, is mostly practical rather than theoretical, I have for example wound voice coils and used them to build speakers which were then tested to distruction in the labs at Northridge. Lessons like that tend to stay with you.
At that time the focus of JBL Professional was on studios, JBL were developing their new 4 way studio systems and I was being trained, in part, to liase with EMI in England who were likely to be one of their biggest customers. EMI's technical people, then in Hayes, close to the record pressing plant, had pre-production models for test and provided JBL with very useful feedback.
Our work was successful and EMI bought the 4343 system, at the end of the contract I think they bought 84 pieces ( my memory says 84prs, but that is too many I think). I helped install the first pairs in Abbey Rd, some in Paris and some as far afield as Lagos. EMI were truly a world wide company in those days.
Apologies for another DDC anecdote......