is my set up rubbish???


New member
Feb 11, 2014
I am trying to get back into listening to vinyl after many years without equipment and have been building up some bits from my nearest hifi shop. But I dont feel happy with it and am not sure why. I thought the rubbish sound was because I didn't have proper speakers but I bought some from him at weekend expecting good things but am still disappointed. I bought on his advise a rega planar 3 then a rotel ra-820a and finally some celestion f3 speakers. All are preowned and sounded ok in the shop but now put together something doesnt seem right but I cant explain it.

is there something jumping out to anyone???? I would appereciate any help.

I am wondering if it is the amp. I am on a budget so took his advise that this was the best he had for my money.
Welcome to the forum. Firstly how have you got your system set up, where is the turntable and waht is it posited on? Where are the speakers in your room, how far apart and what height, what are they on. The turntable should be fine as long as set up correctly. Not sure about amp and speakers.

Those are Floorstanding speakers?, how far from walls and corners are they? Whats the sound like, thin, bassy, unclear?
Thanks for the welcome.

turntable is on a unit with speakers either side about 6" out from wall but not in Corners. They are on spikes on 10p peices as I have a wooden floor.
Its hard to explain the sound but it seems poor quality and muffled and light on base. I have tried turning base and treble knobs on amp but it makes hardly any difference. Could it be underpowered? ? I have been researching and it seems to be 25w.
Twinklestar said:
Thanks for the welcome.

turntable is on a unit with speakers either side about 6" out from wall but not in Corners. They are on spikes on 10p peices as I have a wooden floor.

How far are the speakers from the turntable?
Amp should have ample power to drive those speakers unless you are used to headbanging levels of volume.

I'd suggest you go back to your source. What cartridge do you have fitted to the Planar 3? Was it set up by you or the dealer?

Do you have the turntable connected to the phono inputs on the amp?
Yes more information is needed really describing the poor reproduction, plus how the system is setup/situated.

From my experience it could be a combination of factors, but honestly the F3s are rubbish. Dull and lifeless and have no connection with the (genuine) Celestion Dittons and the like from years ago.

But it has to be said the 820, as great a little amp that it was, will have aged and be far from it's best, and the same applies to the Planar 3 (although thankfully Rega still make original and upgrade parts for it to refurbish it). Sadly a lot of people think that sticking a new belt and cartridge is all that is required to service a Planar 3!!

I'd suggest check when the deck was given a full service, double check all connections are clean, correct and tight, and try to borrow some different speakers at home. The dealer's environment may have helped flatter the system (better cabling, mains quality or conditioning, room size/treatment etc) and allow to sound 'ok'.
Thanks. I will try to answer all question's!

Yes I am using phono in on the amp which has built in stage

speakers are about 2-3ft either side of turntable.

Rega was serviced and set up by the dealer but dont know what cartridge it is. Other than red (not ortofon). I did have to put a new belt on though as it was slipping.

I had choice of mordant short. Castle avon and f3s. I take it I made a bad choice but they sounded best in the shop!
Twinklestar said:
Thanks. I will try to answer all question's!

Yes I am using phono in on the amp which has built in stage

speakers are about 2-3ft either side of turntable.

Rega was serviced and set up by the dealer but dont know what cartridge it is. Other than red (not ortofon). I did have to put a new belt on though as it was slipping.

I had choice of mordant short. Castle avon and f3s. I take it I made a bad choice but they sounded best in the shop!

Probably not serviced very well if you had to replace the belt. Does the cartridge look lined up? You can buy some alignment tools that will help set up.

So how does it sound?
Can I be honest and say you're never going to get to the bottom of this without trying some substitutions because there are too many variables. For example trying playing something through it other than your turntable. Even if it's just music from your phone via a minijack to phono lead. Does that sound hugely better? Yes? Must be the turntable. No? Must be speakers or amp. Can you try listening to the amp through decent headphones that you're really familiar with? If so does it sound better then? And so on.

It's really just a case of trying to remove as many variables as possible.
Do you know anyone that can lend you a cd player? If you connect this and it still sounds not quite right you have at least eliminated the turntable as main source of problem. - Oops just seen MajorFubar beat me to it.

Anyway was the cartridge fitted to the TT by the dealer or was it on there originally. Change it if it was.

On another tack, can you actually feel the woofers moving when you play an LP?


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