I'm looking for a complete new system ideally served by a single cable from the receiver to the TV, with a HD box and Blu-ray as inputs, but I don't know if it is possible given my budget (budget for my receiver is around the £500 mark). Which receivers in this range would support switching? I was looking at the Yamaha DSP-AX863SE but noticed that it doesn't support scaling. Does this mean if my Blu-ray plugs into it I am going to loose video quality? Should I forget the single HDMI cable idea? Or am I mis-undestanding the technology?
I'm looking for a complete new system ideally served by a single cable from the receiver to the TV, with a HD box and Blu-ray as inputs, but I don't know if it is possible given my budget (budget for my receiver is around the £500 mark). Which receivers in this range would support switching? I was looking at the Yamaha DSP-AX863SE but noticed that it doesn't support scaling. Does this mean if my Blu-ray plugs into it I am going to loose video quality? Should I forget the single HDMI cable idea? Or am I mis-undestanding the technology?