IPOD Touch 16GB or 32GB

Sliced Bread

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Hi, I'm not sure what size of IPOD touch to get. How many hours of film can you fit onto the 32GB and 16GB IPODs at a half decent quality? Apple website says you can fit 20 hours into the 16GB and 40 hours into the 32GB IPODs, but I assume that, that is at a pretty poor quality. Thanks for any help John
Hi John

I currently have 8.51Gb of video on my 16Gb iPod Touch and this translates into 21 movies all at a very reasonable quality (if you remember you're watching them on a very small screen). They are obviously heavily compressed MP4 files using a piece of Video conversion software I bought (which also compresses movies down for me to watch via my PS3). Here's a pic of what it looks like on mine:



However, if given the choice, I'd still go with a 32Gb Touch as the rest is mainly used up my music and it would be nice to fit some more music on and also a range of photos.

Hope this helps!
No problems! I mainly use a Mac at home so use some software called VisualHub. Within there, on the iTunes tab, there is a setting which says "Optimize for" and I choose iPod Touch here and set the quality to Standard. For PC, I think this will work okay, I have used the PS3 version to convert down for PS3 videos.

All of my movies come from my PVR so are recorded off TV. If you're looking to get DVDs, you'd need a DVD ripper to convert them to a file, then you should be able to use one of the above to convert them down to the right size and format.

EDIT - naturally, I can only sanction this if you own the DVDs!
Got to be the 32gb for the (relatively) marginal additional cost. Note that no doubt there'll be a 64gig next week, which was what stopped me from getting one last week..........nnnnnnngggggghhhhhhh
go for the iphone 16gb as it has a better perpose, and then purchase a classic 160gb then you will have plenty of storage for films etc. the price of the classic you cannot beat with any other mp3/mp4 player either. in 2 years time the touch will be the standard basic model, but at the moment its to expensive next to the classic. Whatever anybody says the iphone is a great bit of kit. of course it has some downfalls, but not enough to slate it. I think it is the best phone ever made, and a true step in the right direction for all phone manufactures.
What about the battery drain,have they fixed it on the
16gb+32gb models of the touch.
I have two 8gb touch"s,but the battery on both doesnt last long enough to watch a movie-damn annoying considering the price.
On the plane to Australia, I was able to:

1. Listen to about 1.5 - 2 hours of music;
2. Update all the contacts in the Contacts section with my mobile phone (been meaning to do it for a while and a 24 hour flight is the perfect time!). This took about 1.5 hours;
3. Watched one 2 hour movie on it.

This was on the 16Gb Touch, so got about 5 - 6 hours use of it and still had a tiny bit left on the battery. One thing I would advise is, if you're not using the wireless connection, make sure this is disabled. This eats up the battery like no one's business, even if you're not connected to a network.
I finally received my Touch 32GB last weekend. I absolutely love it. One additional feature that I think has proved to be a real benefit is the BBC IPlayer. I think that the picture from that is even better than my ripped disks.

Thanks for the advice everyone, it has proven to be most useful.

Just to add to the excellent discussion, I use Handbrake for burning dvd's on to my iPod Touch(16gb). This will format size according to the device you want to put it on eg. Nano, Touch, PS3, Apple tv etc. The quality is as good as you want it to be, so if you want to burn a dvd to watch on a friends tv via your iPod and his dock, then you can set Handbrake up accordingly for hi-rez results. Simple.........and FREE!
Mac the Ripper is free (for Mac) and produces excellent results IMHO. I also use iSquint (the free version of Visual Hub) for conversion to Mp4. In addition, it's good for downloading clips from You Tube.


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