lindsayt said:
TrevC said:
lindsayt said:
TrevC said:
I have the Leak tuner, currently I'm using a Sony budget amp with remote, A Pioneer CD recorder, A Philips 850 mk II CD player, an LG bluray, B&W 601 speakers, a BK sub and an antimode. Freebie interconnects and blue foo ones that I was given, Speaker cables are 2 runs of 79 strand in parallel. The tuner is the best sounding one I've heard.
For once, think there may be something in the "You're system isn't revealing enough to show cable differences" argument.
I really don't like 601's.
They are very good now the bass is filled in by the fully room compensated sub. Sounded a bit thin before. They are revealing though, lovely mid range and treble. These are mark 1 BTW.
What have you compared your 601's + sub against?
Any electrostatics? Any full sized sealed boxes? Any full sized high efficiency designs?
For me, the engineering content simply isn't there in the 601's for them to be relatively enjoyable speakers.
A friend's Quad electrostatics, nice mid and top end, very lacking bottom end, Ditton 44, good punchy bass but a bit spitty and lack smoothness on classical, A friend's Leak 2060s, wonderful all round but too large a footprint for my room at the time, Leak mini Sandwich poor treble, had some a year, Ditton 15, poor treble, had some for a few years, Wharfedale Melton, parents had them, very nice but not special, plus hundreds in systems that I was repairing various bits of but not listening to in any meaningful way. I haven't heard a system that beats my current one, the subwoofer bass once it was equalized by the Antimode is just incredible and there was never anything wrong with the top end of the 601.