OK, so the Rotel was fine a low levels (9 o'clock) with all music. When pushed with acoustic & vocals it was still fine but with classic rock, the upper mids hardened & became fatiguing.
I've now been listening to the Arcam for a week & while it's certainly tamed the rock presentation, it just sounds a bit gutless compared to the Rotel. I seem to be constantly nudging the volume up to get some of the grunt back that the Rotel has. Although it improves with volume it doesn't quite get there & high volume listening isn't practical anyway.
Now the perceived wisdom is to bi-amp the Arcam. But aside from P85s being rather rare, this is now pushing the cost up into the £600 region, as well as the inconvenience of accommodating another box & cabling.
So I'm looking for suggestions for an used integrated that will sit somewhere between the two in it's presention with my MA RS6. Preferably at the £300 mark used but up to £600 max.
If you're an MA hater then that's fine but I don't want to hear about how my speakers are rubbish & they must be replaced thanks. :doh:
I've now been listening to the Arcam for a week & while it's certainly tamed the rock presentation, it just sounds a bit gutless compared to the Rotel. I seem to be constantly nudging the volume up to get some of the grunt back that the Rotel has. Although it improves with volume it doesn't quite get there & high volume listening isn't practical anyway.
Now the perceived wisdom is to bi-amp the Arcam. But aside from P85s being rather rare, this is now pushing the cost up into the £600 region, as well as the inconvenience of accommodating another box & cabling.
So I'm looking for suggestions for an used integrated that will sit somewhere between the two in it's presention with my MA RS6. Preferably at the £300 mark used but up to £600 max.
If you're an MA hater then that's fine but I don't want to hear about how my speakers are rubbish & they must be replaced thanks. :doh: