sthomas048, I too bought the Rega Apollo, last week. I already was in possession of a Van den Hul D-102 III Hybrid interconnect (paid £100 for it several years ago) so naturally I hooked up the Apollo (once sufficiently warmed up) with these exotic interconnects. The sound from the Apollo was very thin, lean and generally unenjoyable. A blast of electronic music (Mylo's Destroy Rock & Roll) yielded an impressive but somehow uninvolving and dry sound, so I then switched to Verve's Bitter Sweet Syphony and things got worse. Yes there was plenty of detail but as the song got busier the sound became an ill-timed mess, with Richard Ashcrofts voice stangely muted and lacking expression (in fact it sounded like he was dying, with a cold). So I brought my old Marantz CD-67mkII back from its box, hooked it up with freebie cable to my audiolab 8000s and re-loaded Bitter Sweet Symphony. The sound had lost imaging & organisation however it more than made up for it with a more meaningful and enjoyable less lean sound. For some time I sat there frustrated by this and in my despair I eventually thought to use the freebie cable on the Rega ...back into the Apollo went The Verve & WOW what a difference! Ashcrofts voice came right to the fore with genuine expression (and no hint of a cold), the supporting arrangement was balanced and organised. There was a rightness and genuine substance to the sound. The only negative was that detail/timbre was lost from the instruments, making them sound less real. My task now is to find a cable (it won't bother me if its dirt 'cheap'), that will keep the virtues of the freebie cable while improving timing/rhythm, and timbre (other task is to get rid of the lacklustre Van den Hul). Regarding the Apollo, its proving to be lovely CD spinner.
I wonder if some "burn in" on the Rega might have given the VDH a chance to shine? That said, I used a VDH coax between a cdp and amp a while back and found half of a diy rca lead to sound better.