keeper of the quays said:reason i mentioned chopin as it seems on the face of it..simple plinky plonky piano music..of course on good kit its not like that at all..but on really good cdp it becomes sublime..all the textures, on a complicated piece such as tchaikovsky 5 reveals a different sonic landscape.those artists you mention above i wouldnt critically listen to? Pop or rock music which i like very can keep adele..isnt very testing on good equipment...BigH said:keeper of the quays said:I was making the comparison yes...before i played this chopin at home we played chopin through his linn..the top of range with sme arm and offboard linn powersupply..using his dl103 with a music first step up! Is this pedigree good enough? But the record didnt reveal the hidden sanctum of chopin...the cyrus cdp with stand alone dac and the two cyrus power supplies did..clearly with no murmur or fanfare..just made the piano piece love of vinyl hasnt changed..i now need to save up for cyrus cdp/dac and power im sure a few people couldnt careless about this other version of music within the the chopin makes a difference to me as i hear what the composer is trying to say and feel what he is feeling as he wrote the piece! Isnt that the holy grail of hifi?BigH said:keeper of the quays said:i think a good cdp is better than vinyl...a example yesterday springs to mate played some chopin on his very good cdp and i was riveted by it..i heard all subtleties in the music.but more i heard a inner world to chopin..this weaving texture that fred was feeling when he wrote this! Im not a fan of chopin and after five mins my mate said lets put on santana..i said no in the chopin zone..spent next hour just listrning to this genius..never had this now a huge fan..went home..ttird same recording on my cdp..yes very good..but not all played record of chopin..again very good but didnt tranport me to the beautiful world of mates cdp took to that world instantly and there i remained..they say piano music is a very good test of cdp...hadnt realised how satisfying a piano can sound like..a good cdp trounces everything except for uber high end turntables and kit...which i have heard but its not for us mere mortals..a amp costing same as a house! So the uber high end doesnt the normal world a good cdp is the best! In my humble opinion..Thompsonuxb said:Do turntables really sound any different or better compared to CDplayers?
In a 'blind test' do you honestly believe a TT/vinyl would sound better or different than the same track on CD if the crackle and pop was included?
Forget the DR table as it is rubbish and tells you nothing as to what a track sounds like under real world conditions.
I still believe CD trumps vinyl but have not compared a modern deck/vinyl pressing with a cdplayer.
So your excellent cd player could not reveal it but your mates high end one can? Then you compare it with a mid range Turntable, budget phono stage and budget MC cartridge? For classical I would probably agree than cd is better than vinyl because classical digital is well mastered. But for other music such as pop and rock I disagree I think vinyl is better on many albums mostly due to the mastering, most cds this century are over compressed, average is about 6, vinyl average about 11. But if you hear comparisons digital sounds thinner, more sterile, especially the bass and cymbals on digital are often tissy, just look on youtube there are plenty of examples, even high end cd players. Or find some with a decent turntable like Nottingham and compare with your cd or whats on Spotify. A lot of 70s albums I think sound better on vinyl, check out Led Zepp. Who's Next et al. Also try album by Adele and Coldplay, see which sounds best on different formats. The problem I have with vinyl is all the scratches, surface noise, defects like off centre, warped, get good quality records and the cost of it all. Now I don't live near any records shops so buying vinyl for me is not easy.
But that is one cd. You can't judge all music on one cd? Its classical which is only about 4% of the music market. On your cd player it did noting for you? Why not Adele or Coldplay or Red Hot Chilli Peppers or Oasis, maybe the vinyl is carp as well. Not all vinyl is better I grant you, lots of bad vinyl around also.
Fair enough but most people don't have top of the range cd players, in fact I doubt most have one over £500. So really you should be comparing more usual palyers. Adele sounds bad and so do many other cds because they are so compressed and theres a lot of clipping, maybe ok in the car but not on hifi system. But you are saying cd sounds better so why not listen to them, sounds like a biased arguement to me. So you think cd sounds better but only on classical?