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About time I come back into this ... It's the usual witchhunting effect whenever anything cable/accessories is discussed.
Unfortunately, certain 'forum contributors', I say this in the nicest way , are to ... well ... lets say ... proud (phew, that hurt) to either just stay out of it or at least say 'I don't know but perhaps ...'
It's one thing to think, even write, that it's unlikely to work (I include myself there with the proviso that I don't know for sure) but to call people that have found it make a difference idiots, whether they collected the pebbles or whatever on the beach or paid whatever they retail at, is ignorant.
Reminds me of a thread a few days ago about the number of forum members that give comments/opinions about something they have absolutely no clue about/never tried it ...
Two things to say on this being, presumably, one of those you're referring to:-
1. Baloney (again).
2. Deal with it.
EDIT: To explain - I can't be bothered explaining yet again why it's absolutely fine for someone to comment thus on equipment they haven't heard. And as for "2.", if drummerman doesn't like it...as for the products in question in this thread, I think they're beyond the pale.
Be my guest if you want to splash the cash, and just to clarify one of drummerman's many inaccuracies in his post, I've never yet said cables don't make a difference. I've said that of the cables I've had, there wasn't a difference between the most expensive ones and the cheapest ones with my system. I'm inclined towards using the equipment I do and recommend people are open-minded enough to do the same when considering changing. What is truly hilarious of course, is that having tried Audioquest (two of theirs in fact), van den hul, Monster and QED, then the Computergear one I use currently, I'm apparently close-minded. Oh my aching ribs, etc.
And dear readers, I'm sorry if you find me sceptical, likewise if you can't abide the fact I comment on gear I haven't heard (though I see it's fine for someone to comment when they've heard - e.g. - a speaker, but not in the proposed set-up another poster plans to use it in...then express frank amazement to find it doesn't perform as they predict; ee we laughed) but ultimately, that's not my issue.
This is an audio enthusiast's forum, it will generate comment for and against your personal views. If you can't handle any of that, the internet's not the place for you, never mind this forum.