improve the sound of your hifi with pebbles!!!!

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idc:When I saw fairies at the bottom of my garden common sense told me to stop drinking.

...I bet it was a shock five minutes later when you realised that you don't drink...
igglebert:idc:When I saw fairies at the bottom of my garden common sense told me to stop drinking.

...I bet it was a shock five minutes later when you realised that you don't drink...

Yes, I then amused myself by throwing pebbles at the local quantum mechanic who had put the fairies there.

ricardo65:I don't mean to be a pain, or burst your bubble, but let's face it, it aint rocket science really...

1) You succeeded though.

2) Not my 'bubble'. It's the last century of science and the technological applications (like the semi-conductor) that resulted.

3) Indeed. It was far more difficult than making a rocket. (Possibly why the Nobel prize was awarded to the inventors of the transistor.)

oh dear dear dear, this has fairly wandered off track and for all the reasons you mentioned, 'I am out....'
Andrew Everard:Oh dear - where's JD's 'someone is wrong on the internet' cartoon when you need it...?

Happy to oblige Andrew...


How do you know it doesn't work?

I think I'm happy with where I'm at in terms of performance out of my system. I'll leave the mumbo-jumbo to the witchdoctors in bad novels and old black and white films of the 40s I think.

Tip: save yourself the money. Go to a suitably equipped beach. Select half a dozen pebbles. Save yourself the money and have a nice day by the seaside. Return home, tape to interconnect, sit back, listen. Be honest with yourself. Then next day, if it's a nice weekend, take them back and have another nice day at the seaside. If it's not, arrange pebbles in an attractive manner in your bathroom. They'll look nice when you next decide to sell the house and arguably help you get a greater return.

(No, never heard, sorry, "heard" them and I think the biggest things in need of help aren't the systems these things have been stuck onto, but the folk buying them in the first place)
ricardo65:Morning Chebby, intersting point but have to disagree with your mid-sectiopn statement that 'quantum physics' and 'some pretty strange phenomena' play a part 'in what's going on inside any amp or CD player...since when ??

Since the very first time a transistor (or vacuum tube) was employed in the reproduction of sound.

Same goes for televisions and computers.

In the developed world it would be hard to find a house (or room) or vehicle or handbag that does not contain a range of devices that simply would not exist without quantum mechanics.

Once you can accept that, then you also have to accept the concomitant mathematical, scientific and philosophical 'strangeness' of what occurs in such quantum devices as semi-conductiors for them to function as they do..

I'll go with probability and common sense thanks. I'll leave the quantum physics to Stephen Hawking and his ilk. Do I understand - albeit at a rudimentary level - the workings in the core components in the stereo? I think so. Do I understand the rationale and psychobabble that passes itself off as fact in the aforementioned website flogging all manner of wares designed to improve audio? No. Even at the most basic level. Do I think it's a con? Possibly. Do I think it adds anything to the experience. Over and above the ridicule of one's friends on hearing about this, not a jot.
i guess changing just about anything on a hifi system can make the resulting sound "different" to some degree. some may like that difference, some not. (presuming it can be heard at all)..

but i think theres a point where common sense takes over, the difference that "pebbles" may make is well past that point for me
Am I missing the sarcasm here? Is the consensus that the site is for real? I thought it was making fun of crazy audiophile.

Oh and btw quantum mechanics helps to explain how things work at a subatomic level. At this level certain things happen which are beyond our understanding and in some instances it is just accepted that they do.

This 'phenomena' is present within everything in the universe so I would assume hifi is included.

Chebbys point was perfectly valid but quantum mechanics is of no real interest to people studying the 'real world'.
the record spot:I'll go with probability and common sense thanks. I'll leave the quantum physics to Stephen Hawking and his ilk.

That's right.

Who needs all that science claptrap anyway?

Everyone knows that 'common sense' made all the advances in science that the technology we are talking about derives from.

All those famous scientists who made breakthroughs in quantum physics (and electronics and computing) should have saved themselves the effort and popped down to Maplin for all the bits and bobs to make their hifis. Who knew eh?

What idiots they were.
i guess changing just about anything on a hifi system can make the resulting sound "different" to some degree. some may like that difference, some not. (presuming it can be heard at all)..

but i think theres a point where common sense takes over, the difference that "pebbles" may make is well past that point for me

One of your best ever posts on the forums Max.
i guess changing just about anything on a hifi system can make the resulting sound "different" to some degree. some may like that difference, some not. (presuming it can be heard at all)..

but i think theres a point where common sense takes over, the difference that "pebbles" may make is well past that point for me

One of your best ever posts on the forums Max.thanks mathew
Ho-hum. I'll rephrase. Common sense and my own reasoning does well enough for me when I want to buy or add to my stereo. If, for example, I'm going on a 747, or indeed, any other plane, I'd want the plane to be designed with all the required engineering principles required to build one and all the science that went behind it. I'll then make a reasoned conclusion based on the available information and determine whether or not I can safely rely on all of that to board the thing. I board.

Common sense (or, "the wisdom of crowds") may be a fallible notion, but not when it comes to sticking pebbles on my stereo interconnects. IMO. And a another has said, that site looks more like a joke than anything else.

Trust my view is clearer now.
the record spot:I'll go with probability and common sense thanks. I'll leave the quantum physics to Stephen Hawking and his ilk.

That's right.

Who needs all that science claptrap anyway?

Everyone knows that 'common sense' made all the advances in science that the technology we are talking about derives from.

All those famous scientists who made breakthroughs in quantum physics (and electronics and computing) should have saved themselves the effort and popped down to Maplin for all the bits and bobs to make their hifis. Who knew eh?

What idiots they were.

One of the things that sometimes characterise proponents who constantly push a view is the jumping to wrong conclusion, the above of which appears to be a good example...
changing just about anything in a room that contains a hifi system will have some kind of resulting impact on the sound, if i brought in a bucket of pebbles and spread them out on the floor, it would affect the room acoustics to some degree..

given that, i think my own "common sense", is more of a logical conclusion that spending money on "pebbles" is a pointless indulgance, one could argue that putting on a wooly hat will make as much of a difference as said thread pebbles, but it would be handy if it was cold of course
Personally, I thank my lucky stars that we happen to be located on a nexus of ley lines, which means that once my hi-fi is correctly aligned (and the precise scale model of Stonehenge placed on top), it will be akin to listening to the Music of the Spheres themselves.

Roll on the Winter Solstice...
i guess changing just about anything on a hifi system can make the resulting sound "different" to some degree. some may like that difference, some not. (presuming it can be heard at all)..

but i think theres a point where common sense takes over, the difference that "pebbles" may make is well past that point for me

One of your best ever posts on the forums Max.thanks mathew

Who are you and what have you done with the real Maxflinn?
Not locked yet?

About time I come back into this ... It's the usual witchhunting effect whenever anything cable/accessories is discussed.

Unfortunately, certain 'forum contributors', I say this in the nicest way , are to ... well ... lets say ... proud (phew, that hurt) to either just stay out of it or at least say 'I don't know but perhaps ...'

It's one thing to think, even write, that it's unlikely to work (I include myself there with the proviso that I don't know for sure) but to call people that have found it make a difference idiots, whether they collected the pebbles or whatever on the beach or paid whatever they retail at, is ignorant.

Reminds me of a thread a few days ago about the number of forum members that give comments/opinions about something they have absolutely no clue about/never tried it ...
I should have used the usual flowery language so AE doesn't have to break the tradition. This being nice thing just doesn't suit me.

i guess changing just about anything on a hifi system can make the resulting sound "different" to some degree. some may like that difference, some not. (presuming it can be heard at all)..

but i think theres a point where common sense takes over, the difference that "pebbles" may make is well past that point for me

One of your best ever posts on the forums Max.thanks mathew

Who are you and what have you done with the real Maxflinn?

He's been taken by the Servants of the Pebble.
Could I just step in at this juncture and ask that no-one visits beaches and remove pebbles. Given the number of WHF forum members, I believe that the scope for disasterous beach erosion is potentially an ecological tragedy in waiting.
Not locked yet?

About time I come back into this ... It's the usual witchhunting effect whenever anything cable/accessories is discussed.

Unfortunately, certain 'forum contributors', I say this in the nicest way , are to ... well ... lets say ... proud (phew, that hurt) to either just stay out of it or at least say 'I don't know but perhaps ...'

It's one thing to think, even write, that it's unlikely to work (I include myself there with the proviso that I don't know for sure) but to call people that have found it make a difference idiots, whether they collected the pebbles or whatever on the beach or paid whatever they retail at, is ignorant.

Reminds me of a thread a few days ago about the number of forum members that give comments/opinions about something they have absolutely no clue about/never tried it ...

Two things to say on this being, presumably, one of those you're referring to:-

1. Baloney (again).
2. Deal with it.

EDIT: To explain - I can't be bothered explaining yet again why it's absolutely fine for someone to comment thus on equipment they haven't heard. And as for "2.", if drummerman doesn't like for the products in question in this thread, I think they're beyond the pale.

Be my guest if you want to splash the cash, and just to clarify one of drummerman's many inaccuracies in his post, I've never yet said cables don't make a difference. I've said that of the cables I've had, there wasn't a difference between the most expensive ones and the cheapest ones with my system. I'm inclined towards using the equipment I do and recommend people are open-minded enough to do the same when considering changing. What is truly hilarious of course, is that having tried Audioquest (two of theirs in fact), van den hul, Monster and QED, then the Computergear one I use currently, I'm apparently close-minded. Oh my aching ribs, etc.

And dear readers, I'm sorry if you find me sceptical, likewise if you can't abide the fact I comment on gear I haven't heard (though I see it's fine for someone to comment when they've heard - e.g. - a speaker, but not in the proposed set-up another poster plans to use it in...then express frank amazement to find it doesn't perform as they predict; ee we laughed) but ultimately, that's not my issue.

This is an audio enthusiast's forum, it will generate comment for and against your personal views. If you can't handle any of that, the internet's not the place for you, never mind this forum.


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