Although my sarcasm was missed, it was actually meant to try and invoke a little thought. Perhaps you could explain why, if this is all so easy to do (as you seem to insist it must be), there hasn't been a single manufacturer who has built this fantastically musical AV amp? Is it a conspiracy that they won't do it because they can't be bothered to take easy advantage of a niche market and make lots of money? Or is it perhaps that, for the reasons that have been outlined time and again throughout this thread, it is either not actually as easy as you seem to think and therefore not a profitable avenue for them to research (due to the limited market share it would get) or indeed, not actually possible and the efforts of the Marantzs, Cambridge Audios and Arcams of the world are the best you can get at this time? If you think it's the former, then ... well, I'm really not too sure what to say.
And why are car stereos consistently referred to as proof that this should be easy? In what possible way are a car stereo and an AV amp alike (apart from the obvious "they both make a noise" way of course). And what on earth makes you think if took your car stereo out of your small car and put it into a living room, it would come even close to reproducing the same musical performance as a stereo amp that cost the same money?