idc:We need to ween them onto decent quality production standards.
And remove the whole point of being young (& rebellious etc) and sticking their fingers up at the big corporations/parents and adult hifi.
May as well suggest taking one's pierced/dyed/tattooed sneering youngster to Savile Row and get them fitted out with a couple of decent suits while you're at it
The kick from illegal downloading and getting music from sources your parents are barely aware of (except from newspaper articles) is the whole point I should imagine. Earphones and MP3 phones are not only convenient and part of the lifestyle but prevent kids from having to hear the rubbish their parents talk and the rubbish music/TV their parents watch or listen too. The continuous use of earphones also means parents have to shout louder to get a kid's attention (ideal) and raise adult fears of kids deafening themselves. (Even better!)
Was anyone here ever young? Music was supposed to be all about being loud, offensive, sexy, rebellious, dangerous, destructive, nihilistic, different, misunderstood, noticed, and about kicking stuff around and feeling sorry for yourself and feeling you had some power as a young person in an 'old' world. (Even if it was just the power to p@@@ them off!)
The very idea that some sage, wise adult would lead you by the hand and .."ween" you "onto decent quality production standards" would in modern language be very "Gay" (or 'lame' so I was informed a few weeks ago by Clare.)
Chebby, I like the idea of the young'uns being kitted out at Saville Row, they would probabaly love it! I do not see how illegal downloads are rebelling, more like participating in ripping off the music industry and getting a rubbish product. But with Apple's own earphones (which I believe are being updated) into a nano, you probably do not notice the difference.
Not all music is about rebellion, sexy or dangerous and there are plenty of youth are not into anything particularly destructive. In any case, music has to be the safest way to rebel against the oldies and the system. I would rather my son ends up a moody goth locked in his room for hours listening to some god auful racket than roaming the streets looking for his next hit armed with a knife.
Instead I intend to ween him onto legal good quality music, he is the only youth I will be able to influence that way, but it is a start.