Hugely unprofessional BD650 review


New member
Aug 10, 2019
The review being this present one by me. A couple months of use, and I find CD replay every bit as good as the Meridian 206, this machine has replaced, possibly better. The fact that discs can't be programmed is a bit of a pain, but as Cambridge say, it is predominantly a Blu Ray player.

So, anyone agonising over replacing some ancient audiophile player with something not quite in the Scarlatti price range go right ahead.

That is only my opinion mind!
Im really pleased to hear some good reports about the 650bd,5 stars reviews are great but its better to hear from someone who has used it at home for some months.David you say its better than your Meridian206? i dont know that brand but found some good reviews about them.Ive been researching for months now the 650 and been given the green light to get one,im 90% sure its what i need,just need to be told not to wait for the Denon 1611ud that comes out in january.Might even go out and get one tomorrow.
So, could a BD650 teamed up with a DACmagic be seriously good for stereo? I'd be using the balanced outs...???
Love the look of the HK partnership there dio! Big fan of what they do...great gear!

I am interested to know your comments on stereo image and spacing between instruments when playing back CD. Mine seems a little one dimensional yet with DVD-A and SACD is excellent. I am compairing to a very aged rotel 965bx.

Hooking up a dacmagic to the box really opened up the soundstage with CD and performance wise bested my rotel.
If i take the plunge(maybe tomorrow) i think i will run a optical cable to my amp that has a really good built in dac,i would do some test first with phono cables without dac and compare,its nice to hear from others who have the 650
record spot - have to change my info... the hk setup is gone now (the HK 990 and HD 990 are in the bedroom, BD10 is sold) changed it for a Audiolab pre + 2 monoblocks. The HK combo was great, but i was tempted by a great deal for the Audiolabs (8000Q + 2 x 8000M) and always wanted a truly analog british system...

Back to the topic:
Have to demo a 840 A + BD 650 + Dac Magic, this really could be the best solution to a fabulous 2.1 music/movie system.
Yep, understand that dio; the deals on the Audiolab stuff of late have been pretty special and being able to land the monoblocs and the pre for about £1k were too good to pass up for many I think.
David, the Meridian machine I used was a twenty plus year old design. I haven't really had the opportunity to listen to any other machines over the years so am eminently unqualified to comment really!
Wonderful Monica def lugs. Your question does rather give the lie to it's choice I think. Do you know, I can't truthfully answer your question. I can only say that I have been enjoying my music more since using the BD650 than I was for many years with the Meridian. Not very scientific I know. Sorry
hi David good to hear your pleased with the 650bd.Did you have a dvd or blu ray player before?if so any improvement with the 650?Im really looking forward to getting mine.
Im sure we'd all like to know
Andrew Everard:
David Aston:Wonderful Monica

Who is Wonderful Monica?

Was that the one who use to work in the White House?
The CA650BD was just voted favorite in a group listening test in another publication. It was the cheapest product in a comparison which included dedicated cd players, the most expensive being £1300.
I do have a JVC vhs/dvd combi David. It's dvd replay has always been OK but not great. At the moment I only have one Blu ray disc which is the Bruce Springsteen Hyde Park concert, That sounds and looks great via the 650.
OK guys, I should have put Moniker. I stand corrected. God, this hifi reviewing is hard work Andrew, I don't know how you can keep at it!


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