Accidental audiophile


New member
Jun 1, 2016
All I did was choose some speakers. My goal was simple: if Queen's 'You Take My Breath Away' brought a tear to my eye, they were good enough. I'd been given a Marantz SR6009 AVR as a wedding present, well, technically, we had, but my husband has his classic car as a hobby and the hifi was to be my hobby, being as I'm fussy about my listening pleasure. There was money to spend, also wedding present, so I went shopping.

After many false starts, research had pushed me towards Monitor Audio, as being a suitable match for the AVR, and I started listening in the ideal price range, the Bronzes. A wonderful depth of sound, easy on the ear, I hate a harsh bass. But, something was really not good about the treble, a sharp tinniness. OK, no go, try the Silvers. Ugly boxy things, I didn't like them from the start, and although they handled the treble better than the Bronzes, they sounded generally less capable of handling the music. No tears, bring on the next.

Gold 200. At last, floorstanders that were neither ugly boxes nor super-modern trash design, but elegant. Queen began to do their stuff, and, oh, my goodness, the depth and richness of their music exposed was a revelation. I wasn't sure which I needed from my hand-bag first, tissues or cheque-book.

It wasn't that easy, of course. They were way over-budget. I chose them in England but we live in France. In France they are even more expensive! But the problems were sorted out, and I placed an order with the shop I'd heard them in, as I hate showrooming. Then a nice man in a white van brought them down for me, 1000 miles, but still way cheaper than buying locally.

And then the problems really started! They sounded awful. Worse then the car-boot-sale speakers they replaced. After a while, I deduced that the problem was my CD player not being up to scratch. But I couldn't afford the level of transport (see how I learn the jargon?) I needed for this system, and anyway, I have very few CDs. I beleived I could fix both problems by subscribing to TIDAL and streaming FLAC. Little did I know of that murky world of geekdom I was about to enter. If you had told me then that I would soon be able to roll terms like UPnP protocol and Bubble servers off my tongue, that I would know about thing called Linn Kazoo (sounds more like a country and western song!), Kintsky, Quobuz, renderer, DAC, control point, ROON end point, I would have run a mile! However, bit by bit, I learned, and, bit by bit, the sound improved, and in the end surpassed the level I'd heard in the showroom. And I found out that in fact, my choice of Queen for the speaker test had been a less-than-perfect one: their recordings are all actually poor on dynamic range and clarity.

So, here I am, accidental geek audiophile. Still struggling: a Windows 10 upgrade knocked out my primary streaming route via PC, leaving me messing about with my phone: it works, but it's frustratingly slow. I am looking into how to stream from Unix Ubuntu and I need to learn how to set up a playlist or TIDAL, which seems to be tricky. I also need to find out how to store TIDAL content offline as I lose internet connectivity most early evenings. Work in progress: I hope to find out a few answers here.

Hi Eleanor...great entrance.

I too was dragged kicking and screaming into the world of still, to a big degree, leaves me mostly baffled. Compared to the kids of today, who seem to absorb this stuff by osmosis, I feel like a complete ludite.

I went the Linn DS route and with the support of a dealer that I've known forever, have a setup that is pretty reliable and sounds great.

I hope that we can be of some use...and it's always good to see more ladies in this male dominated hobby.
Hi Eleanor you are way ahead of me when it comes to streeming I have just odered a musical fedelity encore which is a steemer with a 2 terabite hard drive which I intend to load all of my cds onto and then from the comfort of my arm chair sit back and listen to what ever takes my fancy ,oh and a belated congratulation on your wedding
First of all what an absolute bloody pleasure it is to have a female hifi enthusiast on the forum. Many of us are married males where our partners' relationship with our hobby ranges from indifference through to begrudging toleration. Please stay and contribute frequently, I think this place will be all the better for it.
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉 But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe. But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order! I'm not so sure... Could we have a vote?

EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉 But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe. But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order! I'm not so sure... Could we have a vote?

Short skirt, sunglasses and driving around Europe sounds fantastic, you did have to spoil it though by saying you had a husband! Welcome too. *bye*
EleanorBay said:
You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe. But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order! I'm not so sure... Could we have a vote?


Ideally both but wear something more suitable when welding. The sparks can burn.
Welcome Eleanor,

We also soon have another important vote, on the future name of Languedoc-Roussillon Midi Pyrénées.

You are correct that the price of hifi kit is much higher in France - dealers seem oblivious that the uk dealers sell end-of-line models at a good discount, in order to clear the shelves of old stock - in France they try to sell at full price until the very end.

You have to look out for the really good deals, but they are usually only available from Son-Video online. The other dealers websites try and avoid quoting prices, until they can get you in their shop, and judge if you look rich enough to pay full whack.

I was using Monitor Audio Silver RXs, but I managed to buy some Focal Aria 936s in the January sales, and they do handle the bass much better. I plan to reuse the Silvers in a 5.1 system instead, where their bass handling will not be an issue.

Unfortunately, now i have the speakers sorted out, I am starting to think that maybe they deserve a better amplifier - like you I am realising that being an accidental audiophile can be a long and expensive road to walk. However some of the members here have reached temporary resting points, where they will catch breath for a few years - so there is hope for you.
expat_mike said:
You are correct that the price of hifi kit is much higher in France - dealers seem oblivious that the uk dealers sell end-of-line models at a good discount, in order to clear the shelves of old stock - in France they try to sell at full price until the very end.

I was rather taken aback with my first visit to a hi fi shop here: the man pulled out a catalogue, pointed to some speakers and said they were what I needed, would I like to order them? Focal Chorus, I think they were. Well, could I listen to them, I asked. No, we don't carry any stock, you need to order them. After a lot of wrangling, he conceeded that if I didn't like them, they could be returned with a 15% restocking charge and a credit note againts another pair of speakers.

That's when I decided to shop in England!
gel said:
EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉  But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe.  But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order!  I'm not so sure...  Could we have a vote?

Short skirt, sunglasses and driving around Europe sounds fantastic, you did have to spoil it though by saying you had a husband!

And there it is! Well done gel...

Am I the only one here more interested in what sort of car it is?
The_Lhc said:
gel said:
EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉 But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe. But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order! I'm not so sure... Could we have a vote?

Short skirt, sunglasses and driving around Europe sounds fantastic, you did have to spoil it though by saying you had a husband!

And there it is! Well done gel...

Am I the only one here more interested in what sort of car it is?
The_Lhc said:
gel said:
EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉 But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe. But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order! I'm not so sure... Could we have a vote?

Short skirt, sunglasses and driving around Europe sounds fantastic, you did have to spoil it though by saying you had a husband!

And there it is! Well done gel...

Am I the only one here more interested in what sort of car it is?

Triumph Stag, dark blue, good engine, bodywork renovation looming in a month 🙁

No music today, network is sulking, grrrrrr.........
EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
gel said:
EleanorBay said:
The_Lhc said:
Didn't take long for the dribbling to start...

Sorry, guys, I hope I don't upset your hi-fidelity equivalent of the garden-shed-with-armchair-and-can-of-beer world too much 😉  But thank you all for the warm welcome 🙂

You'll be pleased to know that my idea of enjoying the classic sports car is to pose, short skirt, sunglasses, you get the idea, while driving around Europe.  But my husband seems to think that crawling underneath it to help weld up the corroded bodywork and then rub it all down for the respray is in order!  I'm not so sure...  Could we have a vote?

Short skirt, sunglasses and driving around Europe sounds fantastic, you did have to spoil it though by saying you had a husband!

And there it is! Well done gel...

Am I the only one here more interested in what sort of car it is?

Triumph Stag, dark blue, good engine

EleanorBay said:
Triumph Stag, dark blue, good engine, bodywork renovation looming in a month 🙁

Excellent. Photos please, when you are able. Best post them in off-topic; another recent thread ended up drifting into a conversation about older cars and someone made some sarky comment about it turning into What Car forum, or something similar. A fair shout I suppose if classic cars really do not float your boat. I'm the opposite, anything over 25 years old and I'm usually all over it, whereas most stuff made this century doesn't interest me. Characterless domestic appliances which do the job probably better than their prececessors but no soul.


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