How long before HD FREEVIEW comes out built into tv tuners?


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Im contemplating buying a tv, but as HD should be out very soon via freeview I think ill wait it out

Any idea which manufacturers are creating HD tuners that will work with the UK standard?
Hi aliEnRIK

I can't find the source just now, and am in a rush, but I did see a story (not forum post) on another (trusted) web site that mentioned dates of early next year maybe pushing into spring.

I'm in the same situation regarding waiting for these - plans to buy a HD Philips 9664 equivalent. If the tuner was upgradable via firmware I'd buy one now, but I don't think that's the case with the standard only just agreed.

Also waiting for a tuner card for a pc as I plan to pair this with a Win7 media centre pc.

Hi Retne

Im also under the belief that the current HD tuners (Philips and PS3s 'play' tv) are incapable of playing uk HD

Im toying with the idea of buying a tv now. Im thinking I probably will too as the way things are looking it could be a year or more before HD freeview even begins, let alone hardware to play it!
Well, it does seem like our posts were somewhat prophetic, coming as they did just before the announcement of the Freeview HD timetable.

I'm in Oxford, so won't get Freeview 'til, um, year 201 (okay, I assume that's a typo and it's actually 2011). So now I'm not so sure if it's worth me waiting - maybe just buy that 9664 I was thinking of getting and waiting 'til I buy my OLED TV some years hence to get the no-set-top-box experience.

Hmm, if only someone knew what the manufacturer were doing or planning...
Hmm, if only someone knew what the manufacturer were doing or planning...

Well a quick search for Freeview HD on this site brings up lots of news updates - including this story back in July that Panasonic will bring out Freeview HD TVs from next year.

I'd expect all the major manufacturers to launch Freeview HD models as part of their new, 2010 line-ups - those sets will be announced/start to be in shops from February/March time, with all sets (if manufacturers have ANY sense) in shops by World Cup time.
Hi Clare, thanks for that.

For me it was the detailed info I was after, as that highlighted story mentions "no detailed timetable" and also that "we assume".

Although I'd also assume they'll do that too, I personally would love to know that detailed timetable. Or within a month, say, so I can build up my geek excitement at the right time 🙂

I also may have missed something on that first link, but I didn't see much about Freeview HD on that first link, other than "what to do in the mean time while waiting" style comments as in the Humax review (I'll admit I didn't click on all stories to check all the text, but by way of example the first few that showed up for me were:

Sky + HD
Sennheiser HD 218
Sennheiser HD 380 Pro
HD Digitech HDX-1000 1TB
HD Cables Platinum
Pinnacle ShowCenter 250


Now I just need to decide if I wait 'til the announcements, and then wait again 'til they release the products...

(I have another idea that's just occured to me, if I just got a sonic screwdriver I could perhaps modify any TV..?)


It's highly unlikely we'll get a detailed timetable this side of Xmas - manufacturers have lots of lovely 2009 sets to sell people in the festive season, and they're not going to potentially harm that by giving details of 2010 ranges!

We will, however, start to get briefings at the Consumer Electronics Show in the first week in January, and will bring you all the news then.

And talking of first link was to ALL mentions of Freeview HD - you just looked at the reviews links, but there's a mass of news stories (as I mentioned) below that.
Ah, see what you mean. Ahem.*

I did see a bunch of those stories when they came out, but they too seem to on the whole say things like "believe it when we see it" and "theoretically some boxes could be on sale by Christmas this year".. I guess I was just interested in firm dates, were any available.

I will though force myself to wait (having no choice helps) 'til your CES updates.

Yes, it's understandable that manufactures will wait before giving us info, although a pity, from my point of view.

[* BTW, one for your devs, but when I looked at the link I saw the search summary said "You searched for Freeview HD in News", then I scanned the list without looking at the Review heading. Actually I notice some odd behaviour there - if I search using News in that drop down I get reviews listed first, prior to the news, but if I search under Reviews the news is hidden (I tried a few more options from that drop down and it seemed to work as one would expect). I guess there's a lot of news within a review, but is it worth swapping the order of lists so if someone searches for News it's news that's presented at the top?]

Appreciate you taking the time to answer - looks like we're waiting 'til Jan for more info. I guess as the very apt saying goes... "Stay tuned" 🙂

I will indeed pass that on - we're ironing out a lot of issues like that at the moment, so it'll get added to the list!

But back to Freeview HD. I really thought we'd at least see a Sagem or Humax Freeview HD receiver or PVR in the run up to Christmas, but there's no sign yet. A real shame.

I fear there will be upproar next year when people realise they need yet another new set-top box (or TV) to enjoy Freeview HD
i just don't understand why they didn't go with dvb-t instead of dvb-t2 initially as bet its going to be some time maybe even years before there are enought channels to need the extra bandwidth dvb-t2 saves - since we only have 3 listed for the coming year at least that way ppl could utilise the service immediately as they roll it out instead of having to buy new kit
matengawhat:i just don't understand why they didn't go with dvb-t instead of dvb-t2 initially as bet its going to be some time maybe even years before there are enought channels to need the extra bandwidth dvb-t2 saves - since we only have 3 listed for the coming year at least that way ppl could utilise the service immediately as they roll it out instead of having to buy new kitNot so.In it's current form using DVB-T standards,DTT/Freeview is a capacity/bandwidth deprived platform.

Capacity has only been found for HD by moving the sd channels off of the BBC's 'Mux B' and cramming them into what space is left on the other 5 muxes and converting MUX B to DVB-T2 standards,allowing room for the 4 HD channels
well i'll be honest i don't know enough about this but rest of europe seems to have got it sorted and working so what have we missed here also based on that then is this just going to be a temp fix - thought turning off analogue was supposed to create the space for hd programming. Freeview is not due to be turned off till is 2013? Will that actually create enough space for HD or are we looking at new tech now and new tech again in 3 years???

surely would be better to cut off the large number of dodgy sd tv channels to make room for quality - not quantity of channels

also surely we should be pushing internet channels - iplayer 4od etc

i personally feel sorry for anyone that bought an hd ready set to be told in less than 12months of of full hd - seemed like a temp get to market fastest attitude, screw consumers.

i bet sky tv are laughing


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