How do they sometimes get it so wrong?


New member
May 29, 2008
In the latest WHF issue, two major brand manufacturers - Philips and Sony - get only 2 stars for their respective products. And over the years plenty of other manufacturers have, at one point or another, just got things horribly wrong. Thinking about it, it's not confined to hi-fi or AV - you name it, from kitchen appliances to cars, a dud pops up from time to time.

So how do these multinationals, with all their resources - product managers, project managers, quality assurance managers, etc, etc, allow these products out the door? Surely someone must at some point say "hey guys, this is a bit rubbish isn't it, let's go back to the drawing board"

Is it as simple as the bean counters turning around and saying "yeah, it might be a bit rubbish, but we know we can make a profit on it anyway, so who really cares"?
I fear your last comment is probably what it comes down to... I think sometimes companies will produce and sell any old rubbish just to fill a void in their product line.
I recall a review for a CD player by a company called Saxon in the early 2000s I think. It gained all of 1 star. However, another title awarded 4. Horses for courses, though, to be fair, that gap is unusual. I think most of the magazines are pretty consistent in most of their findings these days.


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