andyjm said:
Nyquist Shannon is completely counter intuitive, the proof of which requires a grasp of integral mathematics and the concepts underlying fourier transforms. Given that there are posters on here who are convinced that changing their mains cable brings marked benefits to their system performance, I think you might be aiming a little high with "I'm not sure why so many people are unable (or unwilling) to understand the simple and provable fact..."
Next time I am enjoying listening to my humble 320K AAC and ALAC content (via AirPlay), i'll try to to remember how EDITED un-credentialled I am to have the privilege!
I have tried one or two Linn 24/96 downloads in the past but (a) they were too expensive, (b) the files took up too much room for my purposes (no patience or desire or room for a dedicated NAS set-up), (c) I was not impressed with what little improvement (over ALAC) the 'full-fat' 24/96 version might have been offering. At the time it was via a Beresford DAC (optical from an iMac) into a Naim amp. Subsequently I went in a completely different direction aimed at optimising quality, convenience, flexibility, space (physical and memory), simplicity and fun.
As far as I can tell I got it just right. The latest 'incarnation' of my system (the new M-CR610) now does all the 24/192 stuff too, but I am not interested because (apart from a, b and c listed above) the 'hi-res' sites will probably never offer even a small percentage of the content I enjoy.
Higher mathematics and physics were absent at all stages of my decisions when changing system (sorry science dudes) and have been - mercifully - absent from my enjoyment since. (Not an oscilloscope or spectrum analyser in sight!)
I am also still using the same mains cable that Marantz saw fit to provide in the box. (I know I should have lab tested and DBX'ed a whole bunch of alternatives first, but I trusted the manufacturer like the uneducated simp you might suppose me to be.)