HIFI Upgrade


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am looking for some advice on upgrading my HIFI.

My current system consists of:

Cyrus 7 Amp, NAD 541I & Bowers and Wilkins CM4s

I am looking at a new CD player - maybe the Cyrus CD6SE or Cyrus CD8SE

Cyrus PSX power supply for CD

Maybe a power amp from Cyrus range, as you probably guessed im a bit of a fan.

I am trying to achieve more depth and detail and a tighter bass.

The speakers sound nice and just need a bit more to make them come to life.

Please can you let me know any ideas or thoughts.

Many thanks in advance


New member
May 4, 2008
Hi Didge001, if you are lookiong for more depth and detail with better bass and want to here your speakers at their best a more powerfull amp can only give you this. Upgrading your cd will give you a better source, thats allways good but an amp will give you the control you desire.......


Thanks Shooter.

I had been looking at the Cyrus 8 power which gets good reviews on net and magazines.


Whilst as stated the amp will give you the control, a better CDP will dig deeper too. What's your budget?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
why don't you take advatage of the current cyrus trade in offer and upgrad your amp to the Cyrus 8XPd Qx for 900 quid and use your cdp just as a transport and use the dac in the amp - a lot better option than buying new cdp and new amp


I would be looking at spending about £2500 pounds. Would like to be able to get CD Player, amp & PSX.

Maybe as well some interconnects and speaker cables.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Had you considered new speakers? With your budget and a trade in you are looking at a nice set up and new speakers may get you much closer to to what you are after than maxing out your current ones. What music and volume do you like - do you need to have small speakers, what size is your room?


the record spot

I would be looking at spending about £2500 pounds. Would like to be able to get CD Player, amp & PSX.

Maybe as well some interconnects and speaker cables.

Holborn Hi-Fi (in Aberdeen) and Glasgow Audio have a fine deal on some Cyrus kit from the last generation of gear (Cyrus 6vs2 amp and Cyrus 6vs2 power amp for £950 the pair). Link here: http://www.glasgowaudio.com/06-offers-glasgow.html


That sounds like a good plan, but i am now living in Australia and have not heard that they are offering the same birthday deal.

Worth looking at still.


I would go for a upgrade for your speakers.

See what kind of filtering is in the loudspeaker.

Maybe you can replace the coils with copperfoil coils and condensators from the brand Mundorf.


These together with foilcoils will make a good upgrade.

I have done the same for my pioneer car loudspeakers that are outstanding in quality


Your B&W will sound mutch better when you build a other BR kabinet for them with lots of dampening insite.

Use 5 cm isofix from the local buildingshop.

Make the kabinet just 5cm bigger on each site for the isofix, so in any way the volume will be the same.

Remember that you must tune again the volume of the kabinet because the volume will be a bit bigger because of the isofix.

Just leave at first one speaker original, so you can nock on the woofer to hear the BR tune.

You can hear that the isofix speaker will sound deeper, so you must add some more isofix until it will sound the same.

Disconnect both speakers so you can better hear the BR systhem, connection to amp will give some dampening.

If you do that there will be no reflextion at all in the kabinet, the mid range will be totally distorsion free.

Together with good coils and condensators and wireing this will sound great, you will get the most out of your speakers.

Wool or foam is not needed for the BR unit if it is a 2 way systhem, that will be enough for only a bass woofer in a 3 way systhem.

Most loudspeakers will have a to small kabinet, all noice will pump at the backsite of the conus because it can not escape.

All because of the extra money in wood, and its not handy sutch a big loudspeaker.




I Checked out the Cyrus trade offer and wondered if the 8XPD would sound good with my B&W CM4s as alot people suggesting that i change my speakers. The review for the amp suggests a neutral speakers. I like the CM4s and think they sound good with current amp, but want to take them to the next level.



Speakers are realy the most important link into getting good sound.

My cyrus is away for checking or repair because it sounds a lot worser with the psx-r.

I have 2 amps at home to choose from for replacement.

The cheapest Denon amp at the moment, and a small amp that costed me 60 euro only.

A realy rubbish brand where you do not expect mutch from.

To my suprice the small amp sounded mutch and mutch better than the cheap Denon.

The denon has less distorsion but it sounds not clear and direct, to my suprice the small 60 euro amp sounds like my cyrus, unbeliveble.

The only thing it lacks is clearety or detail, for the rest it sounds like the cyrus, direct, upfront, wide.

If my cyrus had a knob for setting the amount THD, and it turned it to the point at distorsions from 10 to 20 khz, than it will sound the same way.

Its not that worse in distorsion, but it tels how it sound.

For just 60 euro i have still a very impresive sound, unbeliveble for 60 euro.

It is all about my loudspeakers that makes this true, they can express this quality.

With other speakers that will sound not rigged, direct, undistorted this maybe not could be heard.

What is referance you could realy say with this amp.

When i did the crosover of my loudspeaker the result could be compared with buying a new amp , than good cables in bi-wire, that also could be compared in buying a new cd player.

What do you have out of a good amp without distorsion, when your loudspeakers produce distorsion because of a to small kabinet and bad dampening.

A loudspeaker is the spot to get the most out of it, only the units must be good.

Some picturs of that amp


I heard in my local hifi store a pair of CM7 speakers and they had distorsion, especialy at higher volumes.

This only because of the smal kabinet with poor dampening.

Since i made my own speakers with lots of dampening i see that all kabinets are to small.

I my opinion B&W delivers only units or drivers in these bad kabinets, they belong in to the garbage can.

Filters could be better to, all has to do with end price, a pure waste.


Thanks Duboracle for your advice and help. I guess your not a bowers and wilkins fan!

To be honest, I wouldnt want to alter my speakers and would rather invest in new ones in the future. A couple of people have suggested new speakers and a few new amp, so difficult to decide which way to go really. Thanks again


Thanks Duboracle for your advice and help. I guess your not a bowers and wilkins fan!

be honest, I wouldnt want to alter my speakers and would rather invest
in new ones in the future. A couple of people have suggested new
speakers and a few new amp, so difficult to decide which way to go

Your knowledge is very broad and appreciate the time you have taken to explain in detail

but think i would leave to the experts and that does not include me by a long way.

Many thanks


A pitty you dont want to build speakers, a nice hobby.

Its not that hard to study.

Realy go for speakers and not for a amp, thats what i think, and you can do a lot more for your speakers by your own hand, but you must be some technical indeed..

I still have a great sound with this amp of 60 euro, that says enough what good speakers can mean.


Dont buy a new amp at all i must say.

The cyrus 7 is aleady so good that most speakers cant handle that quality.

That tiny bit in quality is it not worth at all, new better speakers will do a lot more, even better cables will do more in sound quality than that new amp.

In price you have more out of it in cables and loudspeakers.

I dont know if i am a B&W fan, i have heard they are now adays better than the Tannoys in the early days, but i realy dont know.

Tannoy speakers or Mission speakers i would think, maybe Quad is sometning to, but i am not sure if Quad will make it true.

I am very happy with my pioneer, thats for sure.