You give them scientific research to get great sound and they will degrade and refuse any scientific result or reasoning. But tell them the most ridiculous BS lie and they will gulp it like a diabetic stranded in the middle of the Sahara desert would drink a bucket of water after eating 10 pounds of cake. Later tell them you lied to them and they will argue with you and deny it was all made up and just continue believing the lie. Tell them something is better and cheaper, they will turn a sour face and always go for the worse and more expensive and make up these fantastic rationalizations how it must be better. It's just an amazing phenomenon, and they are completely unaware of it. Oh yeah, and they are all just music lovers, never label themselves as audiophiles. 🙂
It sort of reminds me of Nigerian scam victims. They don't call themselves 'Nigerian scam victims', they call them selves 'lucky'. How can anyone fall for it, I always wonder. But people do, and obsessively sink further and further without giving up on the illusion. Their wallets are heavily fisted by snake oil salesmen and shisters, but I guess it's karma at work. A payback for all their greed and vanity. Makes you wonder if it's really worth disturbing a natural evolutionary process. Maybe just sit and observe the life in the Savannah through a lens and not interfere. But one can't help but throw a rock once in a while. 😉
It sort of reminds me of Nigerian scam victims. They don't call themselves 'Nigerian scam victims', they call them selves 'lucky'. How can anyone fall for it, I always wonder. But people do, and obsessively sink further and further without giving up on the illusion. Their wallets are heavily fisted by snake oil salesmen and shisters, but I guess it's karma at work. A payback for all their greed and vanity. Makes you wonder if it's really worth disturbing a natural evolutionary process. Maybe just sit and observe the life in the Savannah through a lens and not interfere. But one can't help but throw a rock once in a while. 😉