Hi-Fi using a PC only

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I've read that the CM5s would be a better choice than the XT2s, how would the Kef XQ2 compare against the likes of the CM5s and GS10 from MA?
I won't even consider looking at a logitechs all-in-one "solutions" I had the Z680 set in the past, and it was sub-par then - I also don't have room for an all in one 5.1 kit.

Now I'm older/more income I'm looking towards getting a quality seperate system, I've had Kef IQ3 in the past with a H/K AVI 250 and that was great for a while - I'm now looking for something a little more special as I've got the spare money this time around.

The reason I want to get the Xonar is purely because of it's inbuilt Headphone amp, which I will make good use of as the headset will be plugged into the back of the PC (not the DAC or Amp) as I require access to the mic in for VOIP etc.

I'm really looking for some advice as to whether the DAC itself is a worthy purchase, or whether I'd be better off running from the Asus Xonar to the Amp and spending more on the speakers/amps.

The computer will be approx 2m away from the amp/dac, and I'm running watercooling to my GPU and CPU I only have 3x140mm fans running very low Db.

http://www.use.com/a7ef1b4b24f5993c6d92#photo=1 - Some pics of the PC internals CLICK HERE

I've included approx £120-150 max for stands, I was looking at the Atacama SL20s (I wanted to place speakers on my desk) but depending on the speakers I get, I have allowed for some space either side of my desk for stand mounts.

Realistically I have £2000 to spend in total, £2200 at a push.
I've amended my post - hopefully to clear some of the misunderstanding as to what I'm asking/aiming for.

I am looking to purchase a stereo setup for my computer in the near future, looking for some insight as to whether I'm going down the right route.

Originally I was looking at getting either a Denon AVR3311 or an Onkyo TX-NR808 AV amp, and having both my PC and Skybox running through that, powering a pair of bookshelves only. The room I have is approx 4.5x4.5 and is a carpetted bedroom.

Since going to various audio shops I've been swayed towards a hi-fi seperate system, as supposed to an AV amp. I'm looking at getting an Asus Xonar STX Soundcard for my computer, and running a digital coax to the following:


Arcam FMJ A18 or Audiolab 8200A or Rotel RA1520

Kef XQ20 or B&W CM5 or Monitor Audio GS10

In terms of the above what would be the best choice between speakers/amps, I've read that the Arcam A18 isn't really upto much.

The Asus STX is a must, as I am intent using the headphone amp for use with my Sennheiser PC350 headset (for gaming) and will need the mic-in connection - as for the REGA dac will it be worth disregarding it and using RCA straight from the soundcard into the amp, and perhaps putting the money into a better amp/speaker combination?

Thanks again
Just use a stereo phono cable and connect this to your amplifier of choice and onto speakers. As suggested above use the Xonar for a while and break it in- then if your not happy with the sound try or audition some external DAC's (listed above) to see if you can hear an improvement in your system. I suspect any improvements will be very slight. if your already set on the Rega - just buy it... Out of interest if you are not especially impressed with the A18 why is it on your list of amps? i've given you a few more amps to look at in a previous post. Hope that helps. Good luck with the auditioning at your dealer. Also, output from your computer will depend hugely on what type and quality your files are. If your playing low quality MP3 or similar lower than 320kbps, you won't see any improvments just an exposure of the poor quality of the recordings.
How about an Audiolab 8200 CDQ, Plus power amp and speakers, the CDQ will take a USB in from a PC and lots of other inputs, you can pick up a power amp and speakers all in your budget, wil sound great and lots of flexibility for future upgrading.
cstones said:
I'm really not looking towards an all-in-one solution to be honest, I'm more inclined to get seperates so I can upgrade as and when I need.

thanks for the input though

That's a shame because in my opinion for the price you would not get close to the sound quality in a system based around a pc and probably a fair bit more money to be honest, these speakers are not your average 1 box solution.
With your budget possibly the audiolab 8200p, Rotel 1552 or Marantz Mm7025. you could also look used or older x dem models.

Speakers wise listen to as many as you can, add the dynaudio 2/6 or 2/7 to your list.

All 3 together are over your budget but I am sure if you are buying them from the same shop you will get a deal. Where are you.
Just outside manchester, I've got Audio-t, sound and vision and superfi all within 30 mins drive.
Try and get a listen to a CDQ with amp and speakers if you can, will give you an idea of what is possible from a PC fed system. There are other options of course but IMO you will be hard pressed to beat the CDQ as a DAC and Pre amp. And it will last, can add better amp and speakers as money and room allow.
bay24 said:
cstones said:
I'm really not looking towards an all-in-one solution to be honest, I'm more inclined to get seperates so I can upgrade as and when I need.

thanks for the input though

That's a shame because in my opinion for the price you would not get close to the sound quality in a system based around a pc and probably a fair bit more money to be honest, these speakers are not your average 1 box solution.

Yes, the idea is that you wouldn't want to upgrade. I also understand that AVI are developing a new system based on floorstanding speakers, providing another possible option.
It's a toss between the 3 of these setups, I'm just worried setup 1 will limit me from transitioning into a more powerful amp at a later date, Is it possible to set the 8200A up to be used in conjunction with a 8200CDQ?

Asus Xonar Soundcard -> Coax -> Audiolabs 8200A -> Kef IQ20, B&W C5, Dynaudio 7/7, MA GS10

£1670 + £100 for cables, £100 for stand

Asus Xonar Soundcard -> Coax -> REGA DAC -> Audiolabs 8200A -> same speakers as above

£2200 + £100 for cables, £100 for stand

Asus Xonar Soundcard -> Coax -> Audiolabs 8200CDQ -> Audiolabs 8200p -> same speakers as above

£2400 + £100 cables, £100 for stand
Yes you can use the 8200 p, you can set it to have have a fixed volume out from the CDQ.

But you do not need a sound card it you get the CDQ it will take a PC USB input it will be your sound card.
@Pwiles - my query was if I was to go down the cheaper route for now, and get JUST the 8200A integrated amp, would I be able to pair it with the 8200CDQ at a later date, or would I need to buy a power amp AND the CDQ and sell/disregard the 8200A?

What are peoples views on the Dynaudio 2/8 or Dynaudio Focus 110, would the 8200A be sufficient to power them?
It does have a coax and optical out it's an Asus P5Q3 Deluxe.

I was just looking at the Asus Xonar purely for using my headphones/mic, and then using the coax digi out into the back of the AMP or Rega.

I've had a thought regards setup etc, would it be better to perhaps lose the idea of an external DAC or the 8200CDQ - Instead i'll go for an Arcam FMJ A28 with some possibly better speakers like the Dynaudio Focus 140 - I've seen the 140s for £1000 clearance/ex demo.
al7478 said:
Then if it were me I'd seriously be considering a DAC with a headphone connection instead of the soundcard.

people seem to missing the point, and what the op requires.

the soundcard is needed for gaming, as a mic input is needed as well as headphone out.

no DAC on the market offers this, as far as i know.

my opinion..... go soundcard > amp > speakers. if you are not sat in perfect listening position with a good accustically treated room then you may notice very very little improvement by adding a £500 DAC...... that money spent on speakers could deliver far greater benifits in sound quality.
lol thank you for clearing that one up 🙂

I've decided after the feedback from here and the shop, I'm going to get an amp and pair of speakers only - I'll look into the AL8200CD or external dac possibly end of june.

As for speakers and amp combinations, what would be the best bet if I was spending £1k on each?

Would the AL8200A power speakers such as the Dynaudio 2/8 or 2/8s despite being 4ohms - also if I could pick some Dynaudio focal 140s up ex-demo/clearance, could I get an amp worthy of powering them for around the 1k mark?

Cheers all
No need for apologies! Just give me some sound advice as to what I should be spending my hard earned pennies on
dont forget that for 2k you could get a pair of pretty amazing pro studio active speakers. and extra left over for cables, stands ect.

genelec 8040a will set you back about 1400 for a pair. i cant imagine any similar priced seperate hi fi system beating it in sound quality. no need to worry about matching ampt to speakers. the genelec enginiers have already done it. in fact i cant see any 2k hi fi system matching it.

with that much money to spend, dont rush buy. seriously think about it and audition as many as possible, hi fi seperates as well as active monitors. (actives will plug strait into your sound card, and you use the pc for volume control)
Fully appreciate your saying with regards to actives but I don't want to splash out on a set of actives, only to be stuck with them 18 months down the line; not being able to upgrade individual components as and when money allows.

On another note, I've found this amp looking online - the odd reviews I did find were primarily from overseas, has anyone got any experience of the Harman Kardon HK990 - for the money £800 it looks great and apparently sounds good too, it just seems too good to be true?
You could do the 8200a and then upgrade, I heard the cd and the a with some spender A6 sounded very nice, , if you do not need a cd player and can wait a few months there will be a DAC/Pre amp coming out from audiolab that will have 2 or 3 analogue inputs and digital think it will be circa £500.


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