Help with a new sound system!


May 29, 2020

Looking to upgrade my sound system! Due to the pandemic I haven't been able to demo anything yet so I'll have to wait until shops start opening again to get a listen before making final decisions.

I essentially want a turntable based system with valve amplification.

This is my options so far.

Clearaudio concept MC package - this has been the only thing that has remained consistent when I've been looking for a new sound system.

Luxman SQ-N150 integrated amplifier

Klipsch heresy iii or forte iii (Is there a huge difference between the two?)


Clearaudio concept MC package again

Quad 24p phono pre amplifier
Quad ii classic monoblocks

Quad Z-3 or Z-4 (again is there a huge difference?)

Budget is around 6K-8K any other suggestions are welcome!

Help me!

Sorry, can't help either, but both those systems oughtta be very good. For valve amps do also consider Primaluna and Jadis. If you're willing to also consider SS amps, Simaudio Moon have a more relaxed type of sound.
Thanks Guys!

I looked at the Primaluna but I'd have to get the 100 and the phono I was looking at and wasn't sure if it would be as good! Although the auto-biasing is probably a great feature to have!
Why only the Clearaudio turntable? There are loads of other exciting options well within your budget to ponder over. Perhaps something from the Small Audio Manufacture range? Or something from the more exotic second-hand market, or perhaps a Michell Orbe or Gyrodeck...or one or other from the prizewinning Funk Firm range? Or mix and match - buy a good turntable, isolate it well, choose the best arm based on awards and reviews from respected hi-fi journalists, not ones working for advert driven magazines. So many options, but tricky to separate the wheat from the chaff - perhaps that's why you chose one and crossed your fingers 🙂
There is no real alternative to doing proper listening tests at home when you are spending that much money. Like many things in life, the chase is half the fun! Good luck!
Why only the Clearaudio turntable? There are loads of other exciting options well within your budget to ponder over. Perhaps something from the Small Audio Manufacture range? Or something from the more exotic second-hand market, or perhaps a Michell Orbe or Gyrodeck...or one or other from the prizewinning Funk Firm range? Or mix and match - buy a good turntable, isolate it well, choose the best arm based on awards and reviews from respected hi-fi journalists, not ones working for advert driven magazines. So many options, but tricky to separate the wheat from the chaff - perhaps that's why you chose one and crossed your fingers 🙂
There is no real alternative to doing proper listening tests at home when you are spending that much money. Like many things in life, the chase is half the fun! Good luck!

Ok so update!

I ended up with the clearaudio concept wood MC package which I picked up for a great price, I’ve also recently gambled on a Jadis I50 amplifier. Probably a bit too good for my budget but looking at the second hand market opened up a lot more opportunities!

So now looking at speakers like Sonus Faber, JBL, Klipsch, opera etc

Also need a phono!
Ok so update!

I ended up with the clearaudio concept wood MC package which I picked up for a great price, I’ve also recently gambled on a Jadis I50 amplifier. Probably a bit too good for my budget but looking at the second hand market opened up a lot more opportunities!

So now looking at speakers like Sonus Faber, JBL, Klipsch, opera etc

Also need a phono!
There's no such thing as "too good of an amplifier" 🙂

Only way to be sure with speakers is to demo in your home. I heard JBL, Focal and Revel with Jadis and they all sounded lovely. If you want raw (in a good way), JBL are great. Revel are great sounding speakers, you have to demo them if it's a possibility.
£6-£8K on a vinyl system spend at least 50% or more on the best TT you can afford
£3,000 to £5,000 for basic spec & £1500 of amp & £1500 speakers & a RCM
in future you can upgrade tonearm & cartridge & better amp/speakers if required
Small klipsch like the heresy & unison research italy all NOT made in china

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There's no such thing as "too good of an amplifier" 🙂

Only way to be sure with speakers is to demo in your home. I heard JBL, Focal and Revel with Jadis and they all sounded lovely. If you want raw (in a good way), JBL are great. Revel are great sounding speakers, you have to demo them if it's a possibility.

Is there audio shops that do home demos? This is something I'll definitely go for if so! I'm north east.
I own the Klipsch heresy 3 speakers and demoed the forte 3 and the forte 3 are a step up in bass. Which can be a good and bad thing. And they also go a little louder if that matters to you also. I went for the h3s as I preferred there tone and presentation.
But now you also have the heresy 4s which blur the lines between a little.

To add to your list a little with amps ive had great success with a sugden a21 with Klipsch so that should certainly be put on your audition list. 90% the of sound valves with out the down sides. Eg changing them out every few years

There’s a lovely review on John Darkos website were the reviewer used a simple Italy so worth a read and he’s also compared and reviewed the forte 3

As for turn tables as the heresy 3 and forte 3 can sound a touch light on bass I went for something that really pushed the bass and mids a little more and went for a technics 1500c with a 2m black. It gives the system a nice little push to make for a really full sound. And you have the upshot that the 1500c has a very nice built in phono stage. And to truly beat it out you’d have to spend upwards of 600 notes to do that and not just side step it. But you can bypass it in the future if you wish.

Hope that helps. What ever you go with I’m sure it will sound amazing. My Klipsch keep me and the family very happy and can’t see changing them anytimesoon

And I’ve learn’t not get to hung up on MC and MM carts they both sound fantastic and if your on a suspended floor your probably best getting an mm cart at least that’s what the dealer told me.
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I own the Klipsch heresy 3 speakers and demoed the forte 3 and the forte 3 are a step up in bass. Which can be a good and bad thing. And they also go a little louder if that matters to you also. I went for the h3s as I preferred there tone and presentation.
But now you also have the heresy 4s which blur the lines between a little.

To add to your list a little with amps ive had great success with a sugden a21 with Klipsch so that should certainly be put on your audition list. 90% the of sound valves with out the down sides. Eg changing them out every few years

There’s a lovely review on John Darkos website were the reviewer used a simple Italy so worth a read and he’s also compared and reviewed the forte 3

As for turn tables as the heresy 3 and forte 3 can sound a touch light on bass I went for something that really pushed the bass and mids a little more and went for a technics 1500c with a 2m black. It gives the system a nice little push to make for a really full sound. And you have the upshot that the 1500c has a very nice built in phono stage. And to truly beat it out you’d have to spend upwards of 600 notes to do that and not just side step it. But you can bypass it in the future if you wish.

Hope that helps. What ever you go with I’m sure it will sound amazing. My Klipsch keep me and the family very happy and can’t see changing them anytimesoon

And I’ve learn’t not get to hung up on MC and MM carts they both sound fantastic and if your on a suspended floor your probably best getting an mm cart at least that’s what the dealer told me.

I've been on John Darkos website a few times and read and watched a view reviews, the heresy iii's and forte iii's were potentials for me due to their high sensitivity and the heresy iii's can be picked up at a discounted price now, so i guess the question is, is the forte worth 1000-1200ish more than the heresy.

The i-50 i bought also has a digital input in the way of a usb, so will have to look at laptops and such now! Macbook air is probably the best option I guess?
I've been on John Darkos website a few times and read and watched a view reviews, the heresy iii's and forte iii's were potentials for me due to their high sensitivity and the heresy iii's can be picked up at a discounted price now, so i guess the question is, is the forte worth 1000-1200ish more than the heresy.

The i-50 i bought also has a digital input in the way of a usb, so will have to look at laptops and such now! Macbook air is probably the best option I guess?
You can look at a NAS device that outputs via USB - Melco fit in this category I think, but there are plenty others - I'll update soon as I remember their names. IF you don't want a laptop, but a box you could just put away instead.
I've been on John Darkos website a few times and read and watched a view reviews, the heresy iii's and forte iii's were potentials for me due to their high sensitivity and the heresy iii's can be picked up at a discounted price now, so i guess the question is, is the forte worth 1000-1200ish more than the heresy.

The i-50 i bought also has a digital input in the way of a usb, so will have to look at laptops and such now! Macbook air is probably the best option I guess?

No its not 1200 quid better but it depends on your priorities, do you want a little more gravitas or not. Some will have you believe theres a big difference and its not night and day at all they're both pretty light weight. For 1k you could buy quite the subwoofer. it would give you far fuller sound than the forte will ever be able to give you on its own.

Mac mini would be my choice or intel nuc, unless you wanted to go down the dedicated streamer route like a zenith or some such


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