Question Advice required on Hana SL Upgrade


Well-known member
Jul 21, 2021
I am considering installing a MC cartridge on my system for the first time, the one under consideration is the Hana SL.
My turntable is a Clearaudio Concept V2 with currently installed Ortofon 2m Black, my phono preamp , I have 3 ,Rega phono mk3, Vincent ph701 hybrid and a Arcam r phono, Amplifier is a Vincent sv-237mk and speakers Kef ls50 meta.
My question is do you think the cartridge is a good match for my system,is it relatively easy to install and do you think it will give a noticeable difference in sound compared to the black. I am not able to audition the cartridge and have no hifi shops within 100miles of my location, so your valuable advice is really appreciated as it is all i have to go on. Other alternatives I should consider would also be appreciated. My choice of this cartridge is based purely on reviews so i am going at it rather blind. If you consider it would not be a big improvement on the black would also appreciate knowing as it is not a cheap cartridge
Whilst the Hana SL is excellent for the money and will offer a different presentation to your Ortofon it does come with the usual moving coil disadvantage.
I assume at least one of your phono preamps will handle the low output?
What is lacking with your current cartridge?
Whilst the Hana SL is excellent for the money and will offer a different presentation to your Ortofon it does come with the usual moving coil disadvantage.
I assume at least one of your phono preamps will handle the low output?
What is lacking with your current cartridge?
I am very happy with the black ,very detailed, but tends to be a bit thin if you know what I mean. I have read so much on the pluses of mc cartridges,that I thought it would be worth a punt to see if all the hype is justified. I am interested in your comments regarding "the usual mc disadvantages ",what are they.I always have to justify the cost to myself, as now 74 and I know that my hearing is not as good as it was,and have to ask myself will I hear the difference. I normally tend to look at cartridges that tend to be somewhat bright as it compensates perhaps for the higher frequencies that I miss if that makes sense.
I am very happy with the black ,very detailed, but tends to be a bit thin if you know what I mean. I have read so much on the pluses of mc cartridges,that I thought it would be worth a punt to see if all the hype is justified. I am interested in your comments regarding "the usual mc disadvantages ",what are they.I always have to justify the cost to myself, as now 74 and I know that my hearing is not as good as it was,and have to ask myself will I hear the difference. I normally tend to look at cartridges that tend to be somewhat bright as it compensates perhaps for the higher frequencies that I miss if that makes sense.
The disadvantage I referred to is the need to buy a complete new cartridge if any damage to the stylus.
It should be smoother than the Black but much then depends on the quality of your preamp.
I think your Fono Mk3 is moving magnet only, could be wrong but at least you have choice of two others.
Your right about the rega it's mm,would use the arcam if I were to go ahead. Totally understand about the issues you qualified with mc cartridges. Suppose at the end of the day just looking for someone to say it will be an improvement on the black. Its that endless desire to improvement I look for . Being totally honest the black is a great cartridge, also have the bronze which personally I didn't really like though others swear by it on the concept turntable .I suppose I was hoping users of the Hana would make valid comments. Anyway really appreciate as always your comments Thanks
Your right about the rega it's mm,would use the arcam if I were to go ahead. Totally understand about the issues you qualified with mc cartridges. Suppose at the end of the day just looking for someone to say it will be an improvement on the black. Its that endless desire to improvement I look for . Being totally honest the black is a great cartridge, also have the bronze which personally I didn't really like though others swear by it on the concept turntable .I suppose I was hoping users of the Hana would make valid comments. Anyway really appreciate as always your comments Thanks
Hopefully they have been of some help.
I feel the Hana would bean improvement, but that's just me.
You made the right choice in going for the low output version.
Cannot recall anyone else on the forum using one though.
I have heard Hana but never owned one although the Umami Red might be purchased if I ever win the lottery. 🙂


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