Help! RS6 or Mezzo 6? Stay with RA05 or buy A85p85 Combo... or get a Creek?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi can I please get a sense check? I have so many options I'm beginning to confuse myself.

Here's my setup: SB3 through (the fabulous) Beresford Caiman DAC, Rotel RA05 Amp, Quad 11L, Kef sub (the one that looks like a spare tyre). Smallish room. All sorts of music from classical to rock but with some emphasis on blues (acoustic and electric).

I want to upgrade the Quad speakers first and then possibly the amp. I want to achieve a richer, more enveloping sound but retaining plenty of detail. Budget is flexible within reason. Here are my options:

Ex demo RS6 maybe £400 - heard great reports, shame they're so very ugly.

Ex demo Dali Lector 6 - £600

New RX6 - £750

Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6 £700 - they look so good, my heart says 'buy these'.

I will have a chance to audition them all, but can anyone give me some opinions on these choices?


Part 2 will be an amp change. My reasoning is that a heftier amp will drive the speakers more smoothly (I am not into loudness), although I cannot prove this is true at this stage. I am strongly drawn to getting an Arcam A85P85 / A90P90 combo and bi-amp but unlikely to get a chance to audition. My heart says 'get a Creek'. Naim gear seems a bit cultish to me 😉

Again any views on the specifics or indeed my general approach would be very welcome.

Hi can I please get a sense check? I have so many options I'm beginning to confuse myself.

Here's my setup: SB3 through (the fabulous) Beresford Caiman DAC, Rotel RA05 Amp, Quad 11L, Kef sub (the one that looks like a spare tyre). Smallish room. All sorts of music from classical to rock but with some emphasis on blues (acoustic and electric).

I want to upgrade the Quad speakers first and then possibly the amp. I want to achieve a richer, more enveloping sound but retaining plenty of detail. Budget is flexible within reason. Here are my options:

Ex demo RS6 maybe £400 - heard great reports, shame they're so very ugly.

Ex demo Dali Lector 6 - £600

New RX6 - £750

Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6 £700 - they look so good, my heart says 'buy these'.

I will have a chance to audition them all, but can anyone give me some opinions on these choices?


Part 2 will be an amp change. My reasoning is that a heftier amp will drive the speakers more smoothly (I am not into loudness), although I cannot prove this is true at this stage. I am strongly drawn to getting an Arcam A85P85 / A90P90 combo and bi-amp but unlikely to get a chance to audition. My heart says 'get a Creek'. Naim gear seems a bit cultish to me 😉

Again any views on the specifics or indeed my general approach would be very welcome.


The RS6 ugly and the Mezzo 6 look so good? That surprises me. The RS6 in my room look like a piece of furniture - they are beautiful. I would imagine that the new RX6 or the Dalis would sound the best. As for amp, the Creek Evo would be high up on my demo list but if you can afford, and have space, I would try out the Arcam combo with the RX6s for sure. The Evo will easily drive any of those speakers (they are surprisingly powerful) but I would say that the pre power Arcams would be even better.
As Gerrard mentioned, RS6's are far from ugly.

Naim and Monitor Audio - definite no no.....

Roksan Kandy LIII will be a good match. Arcam and Monitor Audio are synergy-wise like eggs and bacon, although try and avoid A90, the A85 would give better results.
Thanks for your comments guys.

I'm encouraged by the thumbs up for the Arcam combo. Of course the looks are completely subjective. I did pop along to my local hifi shop and I admit the RX's are quite proud-looking. I will be booking in an audition shortly.

Any more views are very welcome.

I have the Mezzo 6's driving a Kandy K2 fantastic sounding to my ears; and I definitely agree the Mezzo 6's are beaitiful compared to the MA RS6s.......


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