help me choosing first HiFi


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Sep 21, 2015
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Hello everyone
first time poster here, not a big expert, just music lover.Please I need your help to select a good (understood pretty difficult to use the word “best”) system for my budget.My source: mainly cd (around 2.000)Music: classic, chamber, opera, piano solo, jazz + radio and some podcast.Like detailed, spatial, clear sound, but not cold.Budget: 2.000 EURO (2.000USD/ 1500 GBP), stretchable at most to 2.500 euro (2.800 usd/ 1.800 gbp)I have been reading for some weeks now, and few days ago I started to listen as well.Basically I am torn between two main alternatives: “Alternative 1”- a good integrated entry system, like the Cambridge MINX XI, which is Ampli+DAC+network streamer. Has a good price, good quality. This would give me everything, and leave budget for the speakers, and be the simplest and cleanest solution. I read many reviews and the internal Dac is supposed to be very good. “Alternative 2” - increase a bit in quality, stretch the budget, get a good ampli-dac+cd, and add a cheap web radio which will be sent to the good Dac into the amplifier. First thinking: Cambridge new CX series: ampli culd be the CX A60 and the cd player the CXC, a player with NO dac inside. I would miss the chance to send some podcast from my pc/mac to the stereo. I would gain flexibility to change some component or add a new one in the future. As far as I have read, the network streamers currently on the market produce good sound but software somehow has still to catch-up, so i might buy this in the future, and now buy just a web radio receiver. Nevertheless, I saw network streamers like Pioneer N30 do not cost too much. I should try to listen to these two alternatives and assign a price to the difference in quality I am supposed to hear (not sure yet!) But I am still confused about few fundamental issues. Let's start: 1- “invest more of your budget into the speakers” VS “rubbish in rubbish out, so split equally your budget among the components”. I heard both of them. What follows in the first case is to use a basic cd player/dvd player, send the digital signal to my good Dac and enjoy. In the second case instead I should also invest in a good cd player or blu ray should I use the same for movies as well. 2- pairing ampli with speakers. I am still confused on how to undestad if an ampli and speakers are potentially a good match. I know, I should listen, but in theory I hear “that ampli cannot express the best out of those speakers” or “those speakers are an overkill with that ampli” or “you need a better ampli for that speakers” or instead “with that ampli you should use a better speaker set”. In theory, I understood I should look not at WATT, but at somethink related to electrical power/ampere, but dont know much. So if I choose speakers first, I dont know how to choose the best ampli for that speakers. As far as the speakers: so far I heard just TOTEM (canadian producer) MITE model. I was blown away, seriously. I couldn't imagine speakers so small would produce that clarity, that definition of space. Cannot think a bigger speaker to sound better. But I'd like to hear something more before. I was set to listen B&W 685 s2, as I had read good things, but perhaps the Mite are a bit superior. Here in Italy where I am from we have good producers (Indiana Line, Sonus Faber, Chario) To sum all this up, my questions for you experts are the following: 1- what would you suggest for me in terms of alternative1 vs alternative2? 2- should I buy a quality cd player or a basic cheapest blu ray reader ? 3- should I look to buy bigger spearkers? Do you have alternatives to Totem Mite? Thanks a lot in advancebest


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lorcar said:
Hello everyone

first time poster here, not a big expert, just music lover. Please I need your help to select a good (understood pretty difficult to use the word “best”) system for my budget. My source: mainly cd (around 2.000) Music: classic, chamber, opera, piano solo, jazz + radio and some podcast. Like detailed, spatial, clear sound, but not cold. Budget: 2.000 EURO (2.000USD/ 1500 GBP), stretchable at most to 2.500 euro (2.800 usd/ 1.800 gbp) I have been reading for some weeks now, and few days ago I started to listen as well. Basically I am torn between two main alternatives: “Alternative 1”- a good integrated entry system, like the Cambridge MINX XI, which is Ampli+DAC+network streamer. Has a good price, good quality. This would give me everything, and leave budget for the speakers, and be the simplest and cleanest solution. I read many reviews and the internal Dac is supposed to be very good. “Alternative 2” - increase a bit in quality, stretch the budget, get a good ampli-dac+cd, and add a cheap web radio which will be sent to the good Dac into the amplifier. First thinking: Cambridge new CX series: ampli culd be the CX A60 and the cd player the CXC, a player with NO dac inside. I would miss the chance to send some podcast from my pc/mac to the stereo. I would gain flexibility to change some component or add a new one in the future. As far as I have read, the network streamers currently on the market produce good sound but software somehow has still to catch-up, so i might buy this in the future, and now buy just a web radio receiver. Nevertheless, I saw network streamers like Pioneer N30 do not cost too much. I should try to listen to these two alternatives and assign a price to the difference in quality I am supposed to hear (not sure yet!) But I am still confused about few fundamental issues. Let's start: 1- “invest more of your budget into the speakers” VS “rubbish in rubbish out, so split equally your budget among the components”. I heard both of them. What follows in the first case is to use a basic cd player/dvd player, send the digital signal to my good Dac and enjoy. In the second case instead I should also invest in a good cd player or blu ray should I use the same for movies as well. 2- pairing ampli with speakers. I am still confused on how to undestad if an ampli and speakers are potentially a good match. I know, I should listen, but in theory I hear “that ampli cannot express the best out of those speakers” or “those speakers are an overkill with that ampli” or “you need a better ampli for that speakers” or instead “with that ampli you should use a better speaker set”. In theory, I understood I should look not at WATT, but at somethink related to electrical power/ampere, but dont know much. So if I choose speakers first, I dont know how to choose the best ampli for that speakers. As far as the speakers: so far I heard just TOTEM (canadian producer) MITE model. I was blown away, seriously. I couldn't imagine speakers so small would produce that clarity, that definition of space. Cannot think a bigger speaker to sound better. But I'd like to hear something more before. I was set to listen B&W 685 s2, as I had read good things, but perhaps the Mite are a bit superior. Here in Italy where I am from we have good producers (Indiana Line, Sonus Faber, Chario) To sum all this up, my questions for you experts are the following: 1- what would you suggest for me in terms of alternative1 vs alternative2? 2- should I buy a quality cd player or a basic cheapest blu ray reader ? 3- should I look to buy bigger spearkers? Do you have alternatives to Totem Mite? Thanks a lot in advance best
how about trying marantz 6005 amp , 6005 cd player , dali 3s as i have this setup and sounds good for the money your spending about £900 with out speaker cables + inter connecters plus all of it has 5 star rated gear even now after a year of having mine i want to change my amp +cd player to something even better as that's what hi fi about but you can not go far wrong with this setup plus both have dacs and a phono


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Feb 20, 2011
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Your budget is pretty much for a starter system and you have many options to go with.Demo as much as you can and find out what you like as you found ex. the Totem speakers suit your taste.There is nothing like the "best" allround system.Depending on your needs,room,music etc. you have to choose your components ideally helped by a competent dealer nearby which would be my advise for a "beginner".


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May 1, 2012
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Esra said:
Your budget is pretty much for a starter system and you have many options to go with.Demo as much as you can and find out what you like as you found ex. the Totem speakers suit your taste.There is nothing like the "best" allround system.Depending on your needs,room,music etc. you have to choose your components ideally helped by a competent dealer nearby which would be my advise for a "beginner".

+1. What brands (CDP, amp, speakers) do you have access to for demo? IMO best to speak to a couple of dealers, explain what you need (and what you need it for: room, taste in music, ...) and ask them to set up their best proposition within your budget. And then discuss what you like (or not), so they can do some changes if needed.

Hifi is about using good components, that work well together and fit your room and music (all three equally important IMO).


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Hi. If you want radio and stuff, you need a streamer. I would look at Pioneer N50A + Arcam A19 + Focal Aria 906 or B&W 685S2. If it fits budget, a good alternative could be Cambridge Audio CXN + Cambridge Audio CXA60 or 80 + monitor Audio Silver 2 or Dynaudio 2/7. Both streamers in those setups also have dacs, to which you can connect a cheap bluray/ DVD player that has a digital out - for cd playback. But you could just rip your cds to a computer or nas and stream them as well.

If you don't require streaming and gonna opt for cd playback, check bluray + Arcam irdac/audiolab m-dac + the Arcam A19 with the Focals or B&W, or Marantz CD 6004 or 6005 + Marantz PM8005 + Dali Zensor 3 / XTZ93.23 or any of the above speakers.


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Nov 12, 2008
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There is another route. Look at the Phantoms on the Divialet website. I have a pair of these, and I have similar musical tastes to you. They are amazing. I have replaced my amp-floorstander system (which cost me more) with these.


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May 1, 2012
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Andrew17321 said:
There is another route. Look at the Phantoms on the Divialet website. I have a pair of these, and I have similar musical tastes to you. They are amazing. I have replaced my amp-floorstander system (which cost me more) with these.

A pair of Phantoms + a Dialog would take the budget to €3679 and he would still need a disk spinner...

Don't get me wrong, I do believe they are superb value-for-money, but nearly double the OP's stated budget...


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Mar 14, 2015
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I would also suggest looking down using digital amps, lyngdorf or tact audio. They are relatively cheap second hand, approx 800 pounds , and produce an insane amount of power. It's just an alternative to the recommendations on here and it's something I am seriously considering after demoing one. Speakers to use, my personal budget favourite are the focal 836w at about 700 ish.


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Jul 23, 2010
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pravstar said:
I would also suggest looking down using digital amps, lyngdorf or tact audio. They are relatively cheap second hand, approx 800 pounds , and produce an insane amount of power. It's just an alternative to the recommendations on here and it's something I am seriously considering after demoing one. Speakers to use, my personal budget favourite are the focal 836w at about 700 ish.

If you're thinking of going this route, definitely audition them first. Digital Amps can sound cold and harsh.


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Apr 8, 2011
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How big is your room?

Do you want to buy brand new equipment only, or would you be happy with 2nd hand?

Which country do you live in?

How important are looks? Are they more important than sound quality per euro spent?


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Feb 16, 2014
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If you like the Totem Mite's, I would couple them with a Naim Uniti or Unitilite. A very nice all-in-one which covers the Cd-playback but has radio and streaming options as well. Both provide plenty of power for the Mite's and would provide you with a very nice compact system.

New it would be stretching your budget but in the used market you could get a unitilite for around 1500 and Mites for 500 euro's.

I have had the Mites in a smaller living room and there they work very well on decent stand with some room behind them. They do lack some bottom end compared to larger speakers but they image very well like you have experienced.


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