Help - Apollo, Audiolab, BW 685s - how to make them work together


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Rega Apollo CD player, Audiolab 8000s amp, BW 685 speakers and Rumour 2 speaker cable.

What would be good interconnects to make the system warmer? Or is something more radical required????

It is very fatiguing with Chord interconnects. I'm looking for a natural, warm sound.

Any suggestions gratefully recieved!!

Many thanks - I'm new to Hi-Fi
You have three components that major on detail and I'm not surprised that it doesn't quite work. Trouble is no one component is a weak link - all 3 are superb - but I don't think they are the best pieces of equipment to put together.

For me, although I rate the Audiolab VERY highly indeed, I think switching to a NAD C355BEE amplifier would correct the synergy problems you are undoubtedly experiencing.
Thanks - that's what I feared - I've only had the Apollo and Audiolab a couple of weeks!!!
Actually get ear-ache after listening to a couple of tracks!!!
*** back to the dealer and see what they can do for you. They might be willing to exchange, sort something out etc.
i might get told i know nothing but with rega they say is full of detail keep that the amp is said to a cracker i would take the pair into your dealer and try a change of speaker B&W they are awesome but i feel that in many people's problems have been cause the tweeter can get carried away so something like the rega rs1's or even dali ikon1or2's are a start without going silly on money they could be good. i found that the 685's would like to be 12inch away from anything and liked to driven loud. You may want to look at reviews where speakers lack dynamics that could be easier on the ear
Hi - thanks!!

I have gone back to my dealer - they are trying to sought something out - that was last week so beginning to lose hope.

They have suggested different interconnects - which has made some difference - the ones that bring the most warmth are Linn Silver interconnects but they are £210!!!!! Anyone got any cheaper options???
Hi - thanks for the advice on the speakers. Think you are right about the tweeter - gutted that it looks like I may have to get new speakers in order to make my components work!!!
Hi - thanks!!

I have gone back to my dealer - they are trying to sought something out - that was last week so beginning to lose hope.

They have suggested different interconnects - which has made some difference - the ones that bring the most warmth are Linn Silver interconnects but they are £210!!!!! Anyone now any cheaper options???

Yes, good money after bad. Ditch that idea pronto. The issue is with the components and Silver will only serve to make matters worse. rubbish suggestion. Change one of the items but don't for God's sake spend £200 on a pair of wires.
I doubt it would do all you need, but you coul try some van damme plain copper leands, both IC and speaker cable.

I would be surprised it the apollo was causing the trouble to be fair, much more likely to be the tweeters. Did you buy from a high st retailer or online. If the high street they are normally fairly good about swapping for few weeks. If online, would the distance selling regs help.
I doubt it would do all you need, but you coul try some van damme plain copper leands, both IC and speaker cable.

I would be surprised it the apollo was causing the trouble to be fair, much more likely to be the tweeters. Did you buy from a high st retailer or online. If the high street they are normally fairly good about swapping for few weeks. If online, would the distance selling regs help.

Thanks - bought the speakers around Christmas. Will look into the IC and speaker cables you suggest.
the record spot:LOHD:
Hi - thanks!!

I have gone back to my dealer - they are trying to sought something out - that was last week so beginning to lose hope.

They have suggested different interconnects - which has made some difference - the ones that bring the most warmth are Linn Silver interconnects but they are £210!!!!! Anyone now any cheaper options???

Yes, good money after bad. Ditch that idea pronto. The issue is with the components and Silver will only serve to make matters worse. rubbish suggestion. Change one of the items but don't for God's sake spend £200 on a pair of wires.

Thanks - so frustrated that I've spent money on a system that isn't enjoyable - let alone fun to listen to - arhhhhh!!!!
Its the Audiolab thats holding the system back IMO

The likes of the NAD C355BEE or a decent 2nd hand Arcam Alpha 10 or DiVA A85 integrated amp would make a world of difference!

If you are looking to change interconnects the likes of the Chord Crimson or the Black Rhodium Preludes will work well
Concur with dan, the Audiolab, although very good, can sound very clinical. Likewise, if you're looking for a slightly fuller ot warmer sound then try and get hold of some Chord Chryslis interconnects and some decent copper speaker cable.
come on mate £200 plus the value of your speakers say £275 if there in good nick and you have a loads of speakers to select from it will only cover up cracks that are there.
if you live close to leicester you can try a arcam alpha 9 cause that is quite laid back so the aplha 10 was a good idea but i really agree that the rega has to stay.

I really think them speakers are not the sound you ask for

if you want a smooth laid back detailed listen then they are not right

if you want a big bass strong mids and a tweeter thats throw loads of detail in your face they are the ones.

you have to try a few amps and speakers pal its you ears
I'll give you an idea. See if your local dealers will lend you one of the audiolab cd players, even the cheaper of the two i highly rate....


I think the apollo may be the odd one out in my opinion. It just may be a simple solution, and if you are impressed, selling on the apollo may not lose you to much money as hold price as good kit...

I've got an Audiolab 8000S and a Rega Apollo. I kind of disagree with those who say the Audiolab is bright. When I replaced my Exposure 2010s2 with the Audiolab it really tamed the highs (as well as added a more full bodied and big scale sound, which is what I was after most). I think the Audiolab is pretty dead neutral. The Apollo is widely regarded as being on the warm side.

Unfortunately I didn't get to use my Apollo much. The same day I bought it it malfunctioned. So it's currently in the shop getting repaired. But while it was playing for that brief time I was thoroughly impressed at how well it got along with the Audiolab. I lost a little pace when I replaced my Exposure gear with the Audiolab, but I think the Apollo really injected some of that musicality back. So I would suggest to not rush into a change...hopefully you can do some comparisons in your own home and think this through before committing to anything. I've done changes quickly before and tended to make mistakes that way.

I agree with those who say the speakers might be the offending party. B&W is known for elevated lows and highs. I currently have Quad 12L2 speakers and they are known for being really easy to listen to. And they are. Even the brightest highs on my system don't become shrill and ringing. So if you can try Quad that might help. Or perhaps Dynaudio, also known for being warm and natural.

I'd also suggest some copper cabling. Atlas or Cardas is what I use. Silver is known to be brighter sounding than copper. I think I've put together a system where each piece is neutral but leans to the warm side, and I find it really helps when playing CDs, which itself tends to be a bit of a bright sounding medium. So it kind of balances out.

Before you spend money, try to move your speakers around a little and add some carpets if you have wood floors and maybe also put something on your walls. Your room acoustics could be "wrong"
You know, it totally baffles me that there are people on this thread making bold suggestions about interconnects and spending hundreds. Just maybe his room acoustics are poor, has anyone seen where the speakers are placed? Maybe just that combo of kit doesn't appeal to "his" ears. Poor audition or no audition perhaps?
I don't understand why everyone is trying to find a 'weak' link in the system. There isn't one. Each component is amongst the best under £500, including the B&W 685s, which I have heard many times and never thought shrill sounding.

The problem here is SYNERGY. It is the old issue of putting 3 highly regarded bits together and getting less than the sum of the parts. It may also be partially down to room and placement issues as davemartin01 suggests.

To the OP - forget wasting money on expensive cables which won't solve the issue. Cables can only make the best of a system which already works, they won't salvage a lack of synergy between components. Go back to your dealer and spend some time trying different combinations. The Audiolab CD player suggestion, my amp suggestion and the alternative speaker suggestions are all worth exploring but you should only need to make ONE change.

Also take some time to experiment with soft furnishings and speaker placement as suggested by joestone and davemartin01. The difference it can make is huge.
Thanks for everyones advice. I really appreciate your views and experience (note to self- should have consulted everyone before confirming my components).

I'm trying at the moment to change my amp - my has not confirmed they will allow me to exchange it yet. I believe they are in discussions with the manufacturer. I'm trying not to but them under lots of pressure - cause I fear that might be counter productive (suppose my influencing skills need work!!)

Not got any funds available unless I trade in something - as I've just also got some B&W MM1s (which are truely excellent)

Copper wire may be one step I can take - which may (hopefully) take some of the edge away - until I can change one of my components.

In terms of the room the system is in - wooden floors, not much soft furnishing . Did a couple of audtions - an hour each time listening to differing amp/cd combos - listening to a range of music - but this was not long enough or each change over was too quick to identify the fatigue issue. It was only when getting the system home that I really noticed the system was uncomfortable to listen to. Lesson learned for next time (I hope)

Feeling a little gutted - as I feel so close but yet so far away from having that musical system I've always dreamed about.
NAD is a good choice, but I would also change the speakers.

I'd go for an Italian amp, something like a second hand Unison Research Unico and some ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signatures or PMC DB1i.
Whilst I am a cable fan, I agree with matthew in that they are for refining a system you already like rather than to tame various unpleasant elements. Something needs to go.


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