Help / Advice Needed - Cables and R.F. Interference


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I have recently upgraded my Musical Fidelity A3 Integrated amplifer (soon to be on ebay) to a Musical Fidelity FBP A1 Preamp and Musical Fidelity 550k Superchargers.

I'm using nordost blue heaven single ended interconnect between the preamp and the power amps, with a normal freebie lead between the CD player and Preamp, until I get the funds to upgrade.

I was originally warned that as the blue heaven interconnect is unshieleded that I may get a "hum" noise, caused by RF interference, when used between the power amps. I tried this and heard no hum, so left it.

I've just noticed, when changing source from my cable box to the CD player, I could with my ear up to the tweeter, but clearly audible, hear broken sound of the T.V programme I had been watching.

I switched the cable box off and this immediately stoped and replaced with white noise.

Is this a classic case of RF interference between the cables or more worringly, possible cross talk between the premaplifers input circuits. (The cable box is directly on top of the preamp)

I also noticed that with no music on, and with the volume turend up, there was quite a lot more white noise that what I'm used to. I think this is because of the increase of power, from 85wpc to 550wpc, just highlighting an existing feature / problem.

Any help / advice would be appreciated. Thanks
For all the seventeen people who have read this post I've just tried the same test again, except this time, I selected the cable box input, with the box switched off, and pressed play on the CD player.

Once again, I coudl hear the CD player from the other input, being played at low volume, with the amplifer turned up.

This suggests to me, there is definately cross talk, within the amplifer itself, and it is not a RF issue.

I plan on email Musical Fidelity and ask if this is normal and will let you know what they say if they give me a reply.
idc:Musical Fidelity don't really do e-mail..

idc:I am pretty sure that the technical department is open between 1 and 3pm.

Love it.

And yes that is correct....

Maybe they could change it to 1am - 3am.

MF "Sir, could you now reconnect boths channels to the 550K and turn the volume up to about 3 o'clock and preferably with something dynamic like Metallica?"

Customer "Ok"

MF "Can you still hear the hum?"

Customer "EH? I CAN'T HEAR YOU AND THE NEIGHBOURS ARE SMASHING IN THE FRONT D...." (sound of disconnected phone.)

MF "Great. That's another one that won't be bothering us again."


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