Hegel H100 and PMC


New member
Apr 10, 2013
I'm in the final hunt for a replacement for my Rega Mira 3 Integrated. Waiting to hear the Elicit R and really liking the Nait XS. But I just caught some reviews of the Hegel H100. Local dealer I've been using for 20 years+ can get it in but I hate to ask without at least some feedback from folks who have heard it with PMC (I have Twenty.23). Secondary thougfhts pit the on-board DAC with my Rega DAC.
Due to the distinct lack of Hegel dealers here in the UK I think you are not going to find many people who have heard it, let alone heard it paired with PMCs.

I'd ask your dealer to get one in (and an H80) so you can audition yourself. 🙂
Going off at a slight tangent, I had a demo of the PMC Twenty23s with Nait XS a couple of weeks ago. I thought the combination sounded good, but then asked to hear the 24s. Wow - what a difference. It was like taking a curtain away. The demo room wasn't at all big - about 5m x 5m - but the larger speakers sounded wonderful.
Sorreltiger said:
Going off at a slight tangent, I had a demo of the PMC Twenty23s with Nait XS a couple of weeks ago. I thought the combination sounded good, but then asked to hear the 24s. Wow - what a difference. It was like taking a curtain away. The demo room wasn't at all big - about 5m x 5m - but the larger speakers sounded wonderful.

Probably because they were designed to work in this sized space.

Don't know where you are but in the majority of modern UK houses we would not be listening in rooms of this size so the .23's are probably better suited to the smaller room.
I'm in the US (Seattle). Not much PMC awareness here (I bought mine direct from PMC in London through my son-in-law in the recording industry), and the dealer here, while they say they COULD get Hegel in if I really insisted, really push the Naim products. I definitely like the sound of the XS2, but I worry about the "Naim Upgrade" culture that seems to seduce people into diminishing marginal returns. The two Rega dealers here have yet to get an Elicit R in for demo - seems like the only units they have been able to get have been purchased blind and hauled away quickly.

Anybody have experience with the Creek Destiny 2?
Not presonally but I have heard the Evolution 50A with PMC stand-mounts.

Seeem to work very well together and certainly have a good 'synergy'.

I think if it were my money I would probably still go for the Hegel.

It all, unfortunately, is going to hinge on your room and your ears, which I know is not much help when it comes to auditioning.

I would imagine if you do opt for either amp and it is not to your liking you are unlikely to lose out much on price if youy decide to sell it on.

Both must be on the rareish side over there.


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