

New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need some new headphones my old (22 years) HD222's have finally quit. After much reading of forums etc I've narrowed it down to:

Beyer DT770 Premium or Pro

Audio Technica ATH-A900

AKG 271 Studio

Sennheiser HD280 Pro

BUT I don't want to part with that sort of money withgout auditioning them first, so does anyone know where I can try these out? Preferably in the North West but I'd be prepared to travel a bit!

Is it the headphones or just the cable? You can still get replacement cables for those headphones, and they're usually the only thing that 'goes'
[quote user="JoelSim"]Have you had a look at Grado?[/quote]

He listed only closed headphones, so my guess is Grado's aren't for him. Nevertheless, they make excellent headphones and I've had a lot of fun with my SR-60's.
I will certainly be replacing the cable on my HD222's but I think I'm ready for an upgrade.

Unfortunately I can only consider 'closed' phones. I listen to the hi-fi in the same room as wifey watches TV.

Still don't know where I can audition these phones though...


Ive got some Beyer Dynamics 990 highly acclaimed headphones,and they are so unbalanced its unbelievable,the bass just swamps everything,well over priced in my opinion,I also have some AKG,wow sleep inducing sound zzzzzzzzI think it's definitely a case of trying before buying.
Went to Home Entertainment show this weekend with the intension of trying a few headphones. Sennheiser had a stand there with NO CLOSED BACK phones DOH!!!!! (The HD650 was damn good though easily out performing the HD600 in my opinion)

Managed to try the Denon D2000 & D5000 and while I was very impressed with the sound I was listening in a very loud demonstration room with 2 TV surround systems running and a hi-fi system playing and at times I just couldn't hear them properly.

So I'm no closer to deciding what to buy...

[quote user="Jolly Bodger"](The HD650 was damn good though easily out performing the HD600 in my opinion)[/quote]
I agree- in fact this was the reason I bought the 650's. Unfortunately, I don't know much about closed-back headphones.
Ask the guys at headfi. They should get you on your way to find the right headphones.


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