My kids have rouined my Iphone 5 earphones, by pulling them and tugging them! so it’s time to buy a replacement
I don’t know much about earphones, but what I know is you cannot go into a shop and test them due to hygiene reason etc, I maybe wrong here please correct me if I am.
So I want to buy earphones for the iPhone 5. ‘m looking for a pair or earphones with a good strong attacking bass with a good treble and fluid midrange. I don’t know if these characteristics would exist in a pair of earphones.
So I have been looking at the following:
RHA MA750i - Need a lot of running in, but are they worth it?
Beyerdynamics MMX101IE - 2013 award winners
Sony XBA-4IP – fitted with 4 separate drivers.
As I have mentioned above you cannot actually go in and try a pair of earphones on and test them in shop. So has anyone had any experience of the above headphones, or can someone recommend alternatives.
My budget is upto £250.00. Musical gentre is mostly anything.
Thanks for your advice in advance.
My kids have rouined my Iphone 5 earphones, by pulling them and tugging them! so it’s time to buy a replacement
I don’t know much about earphones, but what I know is you cannot go into a shop and test them due to hygiene reason etc, I maybe wrong here please correct me if I am.
So I want to buy earphones for the iPhone 5. ‘m looking for a pair or earphones with a good strong attacking bass with a good treble and fluid midrange. I don’t know if these characteristics would exist in a pair of earphones.
So I have been looking at the following:
RHA MA750i - Need a lot of running in, but are they worth it?
Beyerdynamics MMX101IE - 2013 award winners
Sony XBA-4IP – fitted with 4 separate drivers.
As I have mentioned above you cannot actually go in and try a pair of earphones on and test them in shop. So has anyone had any experience of the above headphones, or can someone recommend alternatives.
My budget is upto £250.00. Musical gentre is mostly anything.
Thanks for your advice in advance.