Headaches and 3DTV


New member
Aug 10, 2019
This has got me thinking, I know that some people will get headaches from 3DTV, that is fact, but speaking in general, won't wearing glasses for hours on end cause headaches anyway? the whole thing to me although I haven't worn them yet sounds like a disorientating experience after a few hours anyway. Moreover wearing glasses for hours at a time daily is surely going to induce headaches anyway isn't it?
I think many people wear glasses all day without suffering headaches. I have to wear reading glasses for all my online work, and don't have any problems. Mind you, they're not flickering at 100Hz or so...
Those reading glasses were designed for you though Andrew, their lense and focus is appropriate for your eyesight.
hi fi newbie:Those reading glasses were designed for you though Andrew, their lense and focus is appropriate for your eyesight.

Indeed, in about 45 mins from eyetest to glasses by these people. But you just said 'glasses'...
Right, whereas glasses which weren't designed specifically for you, when worn for a prolonged period oof time will surely induce headaches?
hi fi newbie:Right, whereas glasses which weren't designed specifically for you, when worn for a prolonged period oof time will surely induce headaches?

Yes if they have corrective lenses which are wrong for your eyes, but 3D glasses don't have corrective lenses.
Nor do sun glasses, but it's not uncommon for that to bring about headaches either
Andrew Everard:

Indeed, in about 45 mins from eyetest to glasses by these people. But you just said 'glasses'...

Will these glasses help me read Japanese?
hi fi newbie:Nor do sun glasses, but it's not uncommon for that to bring about headaches either

I think that's probably exposure to the sun, rather than the glasses...
hi fi newbie:Nor do sun glasses, but it's not uncommon for that to bring about headaches either

Isn't it? I've never heard of anyone getting headaches from sunglasses. Ever.
I have certainly had headaches before from them, as has my brother but anyways fair point Andrew.

Although it seems like some people simply should never view 3D because minor eye conditions can trigger the headaches to

hi fi newbie:Although it seems like some people simply should never view 3D because minor eye conditions can trigger the headaches to

Yes, old story, published about the time of the CES exhibition in January.
The longest film i've sat through was about 2 1/2 hrs, even without 3D glasses you may experience slight headaches. The glasses in themselves are not dangerous.
From what I've read, its no actually the glasses that cause the headaches with 3D. I've been researching 3D for about 4 months as I'm writing my final film studies dissertation for uni on the current return of 3D, and from what I've read, it is actually caused by the strain on the eyes which 3D viewing causes, glasses or not. Basically, as the 3D image comes towards you, your eyes rotate inwards and focus to keep it in view (try bringing your finger closer and then further away from your head to perceive your eyes doing this). But, because your eyes are also trying to keep the 2D screen from which the image emanates from, which is on another plain of focus, in focus at the same time, your eyes are having to quickly flit between the two and constantly change focus, which is unnatural and causes a 'decoupling' of our natural vision processes, which in turn causes the headaches. Or at least that's what I can make out from a load of research!
From what I've read, problems may occur as your eyes are used to focusing back and forth to see things at different distances, whereas with 3D although objects may appear closer or further away, they're actually all in one plane.

According to one researcher, the disorientation this may cause after lengthy exposure to 3D, and the fact it may make judging distance tricky for a while after you stop watching, may be a problem. In claimed it led one games company to scrap plans for a 3D headset some years ago.
I've seen three 3D films so far and I am pleased to report that wearing the necessary eyewear did not trigger, in me or in the friends with whom I watched the films, any headaches. The real problem, in my view, is that the films are, generally speaking and based on my admittedly limited viewing experience both of the full length features and previews of upcoming future releases, a load of rubbish. (Yes, I know, a sweeping statement, but........I don't care).
i agree , they are focused on effects and not the plot or story , i dont see why they cant get both right ...
Neither do I Max, and the enfuriating thing for me is that whenever I go to the cinema with friends these days, it's to see another damn 3D film.
hmmm , call me cynical , but i cant help thinking the release of 3d tvs has something to do with all these 3d cinema releases

yet theres still currently not one 3d bluray for sale
I saw Monster's Vs Alien's 3d blu ray today on the Samsung 40 inch one with the 3D glasses on definetely works, images popping out, seeing more into the screen - bit of an experience, definetely upset my eyes abit, I won't be putting on the glasses again any time soon.
Andrew Everard:
gel:definetely upset my eyes abit

That may have been apostrophic dysphoria...

ive been told i have that...,,,...
Andrew Everard:I think in your case it's probably heinekenitis tremens, max
tremens ? im as steady as a rockski
, and i had 8 beers last night , not heineken though , the cheap stuff , frankfurter...


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