...For various reasons I had to re-route the HDMI connectors of various items of my equipment ...it now appears my Denon DVD 1940 + my Panasonic Drm77 DVD/HD Recorder no longer give a picture on my Pioneer 50 7xd plasma .....whilst my Sky HD box seems to lose it's picture if I so much as move it back in it's rack by 2/3 inches (!) these items are all connected via HDMI leads to a Onkyo 875 and had all worked perfectly prior to being recently unplugged a few times to be re sited. All the items and the HDMI leads (Ixos cables worth approx £30.00 each) are only a few months old. I'm befuddled to say the least! Are HDMI cables so easily damaged? Is it likely to be a problem with the HDMI sockets on the rear of my Plasma? .......I've even gone through the menu's on my Onkyo in case I've missed something and changed the HDMI set up by accident but think not......The Pioneer's pics through the freeview are perfect ...My son's Sony Playstation (connected by scart) and his Nintendo Wii (connected by composite) work fine ..so I'm doubting it's a problem with the tv as such...so are HDMI cables so easily prone to failure or am I missing something? ...Any advice greatly appreciated!!