nodnarb4444:Daveee:They are all rubbish?i new that would be the first answer but im afraid its wrong
have another one
They were all rubbish! Robin Hood took it to another level though. One minute Crowe was Scottish, then Irish, then English then he seemed to create his own weird accent. It was so annoying I couldn't follow the film because I was constantly trying to decipher what accent he was using. I can only recall one more film with such a poor attempt at pulling off a foreign accent and that was Di Caprio in
Blood Diamond. He said 'eh,eh,eh' at the end of every sentence. I work with a South African bloke and he doesn't feel the need to add that to the end of every sentence.
Rant over, I have no idea whatsoever about the link you refer to. Not a particularly useful post. Sorry
i agree robin hood wasn't a classic but i must admit the accents didnt really bother me and i like the fact they tried something different with the story but your right it didnt come of as well as i hade hoped