Han an Idea


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Some of us use mains products like the 'Tacima CS929' to protect our HiFi from mains interference from PC's, washers, heaters, freezers.... some think they work some don't (I don't want a debate).

What if we used them the other way round- plugging the PC, washer..... into a 'Tacima' to eliminate the interference from source and leave the HiFi direct to the mains?

Would this work?

Theoretically, yes, but that would also mean that you need a mains conditioner for every device that "contaminates" the mains. Normal people tend have more noise sources than amplifiers, so it's usually cheaper to put the filter near the amp.
I've got a "noise harvester" device which was a subscription gift from a competing mag. It "converts electrical noise into impulses of light".

It is plugged in near to my hifi and seems to indicate my mains is fairly clean EXCEPT...

It goes berserk when the microwave is switched on in the kitchen. Conclusion, in my house the main source of electrical noise is the microwave. Generally I don't use it while I listen to music so don't see it as a major concern.

As above, I think one device for your hifi is going to be cheaper than one for every potential noise source


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