My current headphone listening is done via Grado SR80s, from the headphone socket of my Denon DRW 650 cassette recorder, and I was considering the purchase of the Graham Slee Novo/DAK kit amp, because it's in my price range, and more affordable than the Novo. And it also promises Graham Slee quality.
Firstly, would it be much of an inprovement on my present set-up, and secondly, as I have a Naim 72/140, and want to listen to all my sources - CD, phono, tv, and tuner, I assume that it could be connected to the tape socket currently used by the Denon, but would the Novo, which has phono in/out, need the out sockets be connected to anything, or just left unconnected, please?
Firstly, would it be much of an inprovement on my present set-up, and secondly, as I have a Naim 72/140, and want to listen to all my sources - CD, phono, tv, and tuner, I assume that it could be connected to the tape socket currently used by the Denon, but would the Novo, which has phono in/out, need the out sockets be connected to anything, or just left unconnected, please?