[quote user="drummerman"]
[quote user="amarocknrollstar"]
A good point, well made. Hope that puts the matter to bed now. Thanks for the back-up.
I can only assume you are referring to my previous posting
though its quite difficult to know with you ranting on without making (much) sense.
Apologies if I'm wrong but I said it's stupid if someone buys without auditioning, then carries on in the same fashion through ebay etc trying to rectify the mistake rather than actually listening to stuff at a dealer just because they think they save a few pounds when in the long run it costs 'em more.
What exactly was your point/issue on that one amarocknrollstar?
I think you have to remember that not everyone has the means to roam the country in search Hi Fi items that the local dealer does not stock.
I have a friend that loves Hi Fi, but due to a disability and poor eyesight so does not drive, and therefore is restricted to his local dealer, he relies on the more knowlegable members to point him in the right direction in choosing kit.