Goldring cartridges


New member
Aug 23, 2014
Anyone have a Goldring 1042 cartridge?

I've just finished reconditioining my old Thorens deck, and elected to replace the stylus.

The brand new replacement fits the body (1042) perfectly, however you can't play many records with it, since the stylus is hiding inside the cartridge body area like a turtle might hide its head inside its shell; even the very faintest imperfection in the record throws the stylus around as the cartridge bumps the record.

I spoke to someone very helpful at Goldring who asked me to send it to them directly for modification. I did this, and it was returned by return post, so only missing for one working day, and all sorted.

This played a dozen or so records, and now the stylus has gone into hiding again, so it's going to have to go back again. I can't see anything that I could adjust with any degree of permanency.

I can see a few topics like this online, so it isn't just me that has had or is having this issue.

So far as I know, the tone arm, an SME 3009, is set up perfectly, I had a dealer do this. It does not feel "heavy".

I wanted another 1042 because I recall the SQ being amazing and I had the cartridge already, and in the brief time I've been able to play a few flat-as-a-lake-surface records with it I've been very impressed (even a very slightly fat edge to the record is enough to rule it out and as I've noticed, quite a few have that, rarely are they 100% flat)

But, have Goldring had their day now - is this a big batch of QC faults? Are they now to be avoided in favour of something else? Or am I just very unlucky.. I'm minded to give them one more try before asking for a refund (£215) and getting something else.
dtmark said:
Anyone have a Goldring 1042 cartridge?

I've just finished reconditioining my old Thorens deck, and elected to replace the stylus.

The brand new replacement fits the body (1042) perfectly, however you can't play many records with it, since the stylus is hiding inside the cartridge body area like a turtle might hide its head inside its shell; even the very faintest imperfection in the record throws the stylus around as the cartridge bumps the record.

I spoke to someone very helpful at Goldring who asked me to send it to them directly for modification. I did this, and it was returned by return post, so only missing for one working day, and all sorted.

This played a dozen or so records, and now the stylus has gone into hiding again, so it's going to have to go back again. I can't see anything that I could adjust with any degree of permanency.

I can see a few topics like this online, so it isn't just me that has had or is having this issue.

So far as I know, the tone arm, an SME 3009, is set up perfectly, I had a dealer do this. It does not feel "heavy".

I wanted another 1042 because I recall the SQ being amazing and I had the cartridge already, and in the brief time I've been able to play a few flat-as-a-lake-surface records with it I've been very impressed (even a very slightly fat edge to the record is enough to rule it out and as I've noticed, quite a few have that, rarely are they 100% flat)

But, have Goldring had their day now - is this a big batch of QC faults? Are they now to be avoided in favour of something else? Or am I just very unlucky.. I'm minded to give them one more try before asking for a refund (£215) and getting something else.

If, as you say the stylus has gone into hiding then there can be only two reasons.

First you have to much tracking weight applies - get a cheap stylus balance and check the actual weight being applied. Second is the suspension of the cartridge is knackered. If Goldring are supposed to have checked / rebuilt this then send it back.
The position it has settled in, is the same as the position out of the box i.e. unusable on 90% of records. It was defective from the start. It was "adjusted" when I returned it, but looking at it, I don't see how you "adjust" these.

I could probably achieve the same by bending the stylus outwards with the edge of a screwdriver but I'd have thought it would just sink back to where it was eventually, as it appears to have done. Maybe there is a way, but my eyes cant make it out. Though I'd have thought it ought to be designed to fit the cartridge it's supposed to sit on and not need modifying.

The old 1042 stylus (15 years old, unused in that time) is perfectly fine, albeit worn. It looks fractionally longer than the new one and sits at an angle which means it still runs close, but not so close that it touches the records.

Regarding the cartridge suspension, the cartridge stayed on the turntable, was realigned, but is otherwise unchanged. But I'm not seeing how that would affect this as above..

I did come across an identical post on this forum with exactly the same issue, that one was on the way back to Goldring for modification too. Sorry I don't have the link, I found it on my mobile earlier.
dtmark said:
The position it has settled in, is the same as the position out of the box i.e. unusable on 90% of records. It was defective from the start. It was "adjusted" when I returned it, but looking at it, I don't see how you "adjust" these.

I could probably achieve the same by bending the stylus outwards with the edge of a screwdriver but I'd have thought it would just sink back to where it was eventually, as it appears to have done. Maybe there is a way, but my eyes cant make it out. Though I'd have thought it ought to be designed to fit the cartridge it's supposed to sit on and not need modifying.

The old 1042 stylus (15 years old, unused in that time) is perfectly fine, albeit worn. It looks fractionally longer than the new one and sits at an angle which means it still runs close, but not so close that it touches the records.

Regarding the cartridge suspension, the cartridge stayed on the turntable, was realigned, but is otherwise unchanged. But I'm not seeing how that would affect this as above..

I did come across an identical post on this forum with exactly the same issue, that one was on the way back to Goldring for modification too. Sorry I don't have the link, I found it on my mobile earlier.

Double check the tracking weight, it should be between 1.5 and 2 grams. If it is then your cartridge is defective. As these now retail at £280 I'd send it back for further investigation.
I finally got round to sending the 1042 stylus back on Tuesday.

Turned around same day and back here this morning.

Sits and tracks perfectly.

The SQ from this thing is really superb. As it's new, it's just a touch sharp though not splashy, which I'd expect to settle.

High end and midrange detail is remarkable. The stereo soundstage is huge. The sense of rhythm and timing is superb. The sense of life it injects into music and the ability to project deeply into the room while keeping every tiny little detail completely separated is exactly as I remembered it.

Thank you Goldring.
dtmark said:
I finally got round to sending the 1042 stylus back on Tuesday.

Turned around same day and back here this morning.

Sits and tracks perfectly.

The SQ from this thing is really superb. As it's new, it's just a touch sharp though not splashy, which I'd expect to settle.

High end and midrange detail is remarkable. The stereo soundstage is huge. The sense of rhythm and timing is superb. The sense of life it injects into music and the ability to project deeply into the room while keeping every tiny little detail completely separated is exactly as I remembered it.

Thank you Goldring.

Excellent. Hope it stays that way. Should have been properly sorted in the first instance I feel though. Glad they got there in the end. go with a recently procured Series IV Audiomods Micrometer arm. Anyone know if they are a good pairing?
Waxy said: go with a recently procured Series IV Audiomods Micrometer arm. Anyone know if they are a good pairing?

Not used the Audiomods arm but looking at specs there is no reason they shouldn't be nicely compatible, and it's a very respectable cartridge.
I'm happy staying with MM carts at the moment, and I don't really want to spend much more than I would on my existing Nag MP-200. The Goldring seems to get all round praise. Have also considered the Goldring 2300 & 2400 but according to reviews they seem to have a less warm presentation than my preferred sound.
Waxy said:
I'm happy staying with MM carts at the moment, and I don't really want to spend much more than I would on my existing Nag MP-200. The Goldring seems to get all round praise. Have also considered the Goldring 2300 & 2400 but according to reviews they seem to have a less warm presentation than my preferred sound.

Those reviews would echo my feelings. The 2000 series lost a certain something over the earlier 1000 series and the 1042 in particular.
Waxy said:
I'm happy staying with MM carts at the moment, and I don't really want to spend much more than I would on my existing Nag MP-200. The Goldring seems to get all round praise. Have also considered the Goldring 2300 & 2400 but according to reviews they seem to have a less warm presentation than my preferred sound.

I wouldn't say that the 1042 sounds warm. Actually, in the CD versus vinyl debate, I have never agreed that vinyl sounds "warm", I think it's the continuous waveform that sounds "rich and full". FWIW I have yet to hear a CD player that doesn't sound horrifically compressed to me and I have heard some decent ones.

I prefer a fairly clinical sound. The 1042 isn't especially bass heavy but it is very good in the midrange which is where IMO most of the music is. You can "see" the music in front of you laid out in three dimensions. I listen predominantly to electronic dance music which some might argue is a waste of that lovely old Thorens/SME/Goldring combination.

I wouldn't agree, but, the point is - that sort of music requires pinpoint precision in stereo imagery and timing to really kick (the timing thing is why I have never "clicked" with CD), and that's what the 1042 excels at. It is breathtaking at times.

That said I paid about £150 for mine a fair while back and the price of it now is eye-watering. Replacement stylus was £215.
It's running in nicely now. That slight sharpness is tailing off and the bass is becoming more weighty.

I picked up a copy of What Hi-Fi - yes, the paper thing 😉 and I can see that Goldrings remain Best Buys - it's nice to see a company still turning out quality after all these years.
dtmark said:
It's running in nicely now. That slight sharpness is tailing off and the bass is becoming more weighty.

I picked up a copy of What Hi-Fi - yes, the paper thing 😉 and I can see that Goldrings remain Best Buys - it's nice to see a company still turning out quality after all these years.

love it when a plan comes together -

had my Nagaoka 500 its approaching 30 hours now - it sounds good..........really good, oh so sweet treble
BTW dtmark,

Groove Armada - Black Light on vinyl is simply immense.....the bryan ferry track.........jesus
stevebrock said:
BTW dtmark,

Groove Armada - Black Light on vinyl is simply immense.....the bryan ferry track.........jesus

Added to my Discogs list for my next purchase, thanks 🙂

I've had the TT playing all evening. Thorens TD 150 Mk II, SME 3009, Goldring 1042. I'd say it is now about "run in".

It really is one incredible piece of kit. The sense of timing, the attack, the detail, clarity, imagery, control. Nothing is too much for it. Tracks everything perfectly. Ekes out every last detail.

This is what I "grew up with" so I was very spoiled when I was younger. It's so nice to have it up and running again.


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