freeview box


New member
Aug 10, 2019
lookin to buy a good freeview box with at least 160 harddrive any ideas would be grate looked at the humax but would like a bit more help . thanx . adam.
The Humax is a long-time favourite of ours, but i'd also strongly recommend the TVonics DVR-150 (which has a 160GB drive) or its big-brother DVR-250 (250GB).

More details at the TVonics website

If you're not desparate to buy right now, we're also running a test of PVRs in the October issue, which comes out August 23rd. Within that test, we'll also be reviewing the Wharfedale-branded version of the TVonics DVR-250, which is set to be an Argos exclusive when the new catalogue comes out.
thanx clare i will hang on till the mag comes through the post and have a butchers at them . cheers . adam.
Are there any Freeview boxes which provide hi-fi quality sound?

I have heard that Freeview should technically provide better quality sound than DAB.
As the Freeview box would be acting as the front end for the hi-fi, it would need to provide a quality sound.
I ahve a Cyrus amp and have seen that Cyrus provide a DAB tuner.
Is there a Freeview alternative?
Not from Cyrus, I'm afraid. As a rule of thumb, any Freeview box with conventional stereo phono output sockets suggests someone cares a bit about the sound quality, but the best results I've had are with STBsz with digital outputs and a decent DAC or a good AV receiver.


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