
New member
Aug 10, 2019
Have you been looking to upgrade your system for peanuts yet want to hear the audiophile quality that so many crave? I have the perfect solution. Sit in a triangulated equidistance between your speakers, play a CD (or whatever) and cup your hands around the back of your lugs, making sure the fitting is tight and snug. Can you hear the improvements? Genius or what????? I claim the patent on “lug cones”….
...the one time I have thought big ears would be an advantage...
...BTW, judging by your pic, you might want to press a little less on the side of your head...
now i just need to get a spair set of arms! i did notice a wee bit o low bit rate mp3 style hiss tho. but hey, not much, and as you say, its free!
I'm going to wait until I've had enough replies so I can pee myself picturing three-dozen blokes sitting in front of their stereos with hands cupping ears in anticipation. Did I mention that one can make big gains depending on the angle in which your hands are cupped?......oh dear, I have had too much to drink..
This one comes around every few years - I seem to remember one of the hi-fi mags had a free pair of cardboard 'elephant ears' for just this purpose a decade or two back.

But it's amazing how different a system can sound when you have a sofa out in free space, against one hard against a rear wall. Same effect, you see...
In some circumstances, I believe it can be. But the standing waves can reinforce the thumping too much, at the expense of the finer touches...
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
This one comes around every few years - I seem to remember one of the hi-fi mags had a free pair of cardboard 'elephant ears' for just this purpose a decade or two back.

But it's amazing how different a system can sound when you have a sofa out in free space, against one hard against a rear wall. Same effect, you see...

Damn, and I thought this time next year I would be a millionaire. But I suspect the shiny cardboard from a bog-standard mag would reverberate the sound and make it bright....A nice pair of rubber "Charley lugs" (still cupped behind by the hands, of course) similar to the ones on the old Spitting Image show would do a grand job, me thinks...
If I put my sofa in the middle of the room then it would make access difficult and you would be sitting about 2 foot away from the hifi and plasma. Hmmm. Sore neck and missing the sweetspot somewhat.
When I was a kid, I had a really really cheap little record deck - crystal cartridge, dual cone speakers, etc. I used to lie on the bed with the speakers leaning against my ears with the volume right down. Made it sound so much better.
I'm maybe detecting a little irony there considering your signature, but isn't that what Sennheiser/Stax et al do? 🙂 No,no, not the lying on the bed thing...
[quote user="jimwall"]When I was a kid, I had a really really cheap little record deck - crystal cartridge, dual cone speakers, etc. I used to lie on the bed with the speakers leaning against my ears with the volume right down. Made it sound so much better.[/quote]

Now that's proper hi-fi listening! We used to do something similar where we would get two of the Wharfedale E50s put them right by our ears like massive headphones and then put two E30s infront so we had like the ultimate surround!!! If only we knew we were putting 6ohm speakers on a 16ohm output amp!
It just sounds a little brighter with my ears cupped forwards, I prefer listening without.
It just sounds a little brighter with my ears cupped forwards, I prefer listening without.

Have you tried painting your hands black first. I say this because black absorbs sound better (similar to how heat is absorbed better in darker colours) and might avoid that bright quality....


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